FAA Upgrades Frasca Simulators | Aero-News Network
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Airborne AffordableFlyers-12.12.24


Wed, Aug 19, 2015

FAA Upgrades Frasca Simulators

Oklahoma City Facility Adds Features To Three FTDs

The FAA Academy at Mike Monroney Aeronautical Center in Oklahoma City, OK has upgrades their three Frasca Flight Training Devices (FTDs).

The three FTDs include a Cessna Mustang (originally installed in 2009) and two Baron G58 Barons (originally installed in 2009).

The recent upgrades include:

  • Frasca’s newest laser-hybrid projectors that are higher resolution and brighter.
  • Traffic Advisory Systems with ADS-B symbology.
  • Networking of all 3 FTDs together so pilots can see simulated aircraft on visual systems and receive voice transmissions from pilots in other FTDs.
  • Enabled tablets and iPads to remotely control FTD’s Instructor Stations.

This is the most recent technology upgrade for the FAAs Frasca devices since the first FTDs were installed in 1999. The B58 Baron FTDs were previously upgraded from analog gauges to G1000 and from single channel to multi-channel visual systems. Several other Frasca customers have upgraded their devices to stay up with the latest technology and aircraft upgrades. These include Metro State (who recently upgraded their Mustang FTD) and Epic Aviation who upgraded their 172 FTD to a Level 5 device in addition to adding new FTDs.

Frasca has recently delivered and installed several Level 5 Flight Training devices - illustrating their commitment to providing the highest level of device and technology needed for the most realistic training experience.

FMI: www.frasca.com


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