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Fri, Nov 27, 2009

Centurion Beefs Up Dealer Network

Diesel Aviation Engines Now Available From 33 Distributors Worldwide

Centurion announced Monday it has further strengthened its worldwide network of dealers with three new distributors, including one of Europe's leading Diamond airplane dealers. Centurion now has a total of thirty-three distributors worldwide.

"We are pleased to further expand our already well-established worldwide network of dealers and services with three additional competent distributors," said Centurion chairman of the board Jasper M. Wolffson. "The fact that we were able to recruit one of the largest Diamond airplane dealers in Europe with Diamond Aero SRL in Italy demonstrates that the demand for our reliable and proven engines continues to be high, precisely among Diamond pilots."

With its principal place of business in Rome, Diamond Aero SRL - which also services Piper and Cessna models along with Diamond aircraft in its large airplane maintenance hangar - will sell Centurion engines in Italy and Malta in the future. AERAC Sarl, which is based in Cannes, was successfully recruited for France, and in the growing Polish market, Centurion will be represented by J.B. Investments near Warsaw.

Altogether more than 2,600 Centurion 2.0 engines are currently in operation in Piper, Cessna, Robin and Diamond aircraft worldwide, and have completed more than 1.7 million flying hours. Not only private customers, but particularly flight schools appreciate the economical consumption and reliability offered by this kerosene/diesel engine.

FMI: www.centurion-engines.com


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