Mon, May 07, 2018
Had Been Assessed $36,000 For Flight From New York To Florida
The mother of one of the victims of the Parkland, Florida school shooter has been given a break on a flight she chartered from New York to Florida after her son, geography teacher Scott Beigle, was killed in the shooting.
Linda Schulman had tried to get a commercial flight from New York to south Florida, but was told by every airline that there were no seats available due to heavy spring break travel in February and a major PGA tournament. She turned to Talon Air, knowing that such a charter flight would be very expensive. But she didn't count on a bill totalling $36,458 for the flight and deadhead return to New York.
Fox News reports that for more than two months, Schulman tried to work with Talon Air for a reduction in the bill, saying that she understood that there would be a charge for the flight, and maybe a fuel surcharge for the return. But she wrote on Facebook "where is the compassion from Talon Air?"
Six weeks after the shooting on February 14, Talon Air founder Adam Katz wrote a letter to Schulman saying that she will be reimbursed for the one-way flight in the amount of $18,229.56, and the company will donate the remaining $18,229 to the Scott J. Beigel Memorial Fund, which provides scholarships for children to attend summer camp.
Schulman said that she has accepted the offer from Katz, and considers the matter resolved.
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