Pilot's Letter A Lesson In Democracy | Aero-News Network
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Mon, Jun 02, 2003

Pilot's Letter A Lesson In Democracy

An Open Letter From A 76-Year-Old Professional Pilot To His Great-Grandchildren

This open letter appeared in Sunday's edition of the Daily Southtown, an award-winning publication based in Chicago (IL). We thought it was worth passing along:

Dear Matthew, Kira and Alyssa,

At 6, 2 and 1, you are barely old enough to read, but I may not be here when you can, and I felt you need this lesson in democracy, which you will be able to understand later when you really need it.

The Irony

It is ironic and sad that during the war with Iraq in 2003, the only destruction in this country was done by Chicago's Mayor Richard M. Daley (below), after dark, when he destroyed an airport without giving the people the benefit of due process.

Had there really been a terrorist or Iraqi strike here, Meigs Field could have been used for ambulance, police and fire services and medical evacuation and supply. A while back, the mayor asked the military to move out of O'Hare airport to Rockford 80 miles away. He also neglected to do anything about the US Coast Guard move to Ludington (MI), across the lake when at least their chopper could have been based at Meigs.

As Iraqi supporters of Saddam Hussein carried posters, "Democracy is Hypocrisy," the mayor helped prove their point. Anywhere else, what he did would be called an act of sabotage and people would have been jailed. But it seems the country of Illinois, with a puppet as its governor, is becoming a dictatorship with Chicago as its capital. Baghdad West?

Land grabs for O'Hare, the North-South Corridor, telephone monopolies, and casino talks have all suddenly become signs of increasing totalitarianism.

The night of March 30, the mayor decided to celebrate the 100th anniversary of aviation by destroying an airport. He wants to build yet another park, supposedly for the people, whether they want it or not. They already have 552 parks, most of them in bad shape.

I Had A Dream

The next night, I dreamed that Orville Wright, Wilbur Wright, Lindy (Charles Lindbergh), Butch O'Hare and a couple of other guys were sitting on the old hangar bench, their elbows on their knees and faces in their hands. Just like that drawing of Abraham Lincoln when John F. Kennedy was shot. Old Mayor Daley senior was standing there with his hat in his hand, shrugging his shoulders in apology. It is important to remember they weren't sad because an airport closed. It was because what happened was un-American.

The next morning it was April Fool's Day, but this was no joke. The mayor violated federal air regulations and the trust of this country's aviation community.

Democracy means self-government. You vote for a candidate you believe will do a good job for you. Beware, some have their own agenda. In this case, the mayor got 78 percent of a very small vote. Nothing to be proud of.

So when election time comes, vote, even if you know your candidate might lose. Otherwise the winner gets a big head. History shows that's how dictators are born.

Len Kmiecek
Oak Lawn (IL)

FMI: www.friendsofmeigs.org


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