ALPA Renews Support for SMS in Canada | Aero-News Network
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Airborne AffordableFlyers-12.12.24


Mon, Dec 07, 2009

ALPA Renews Support for SMS in Canada

Union Claims Process Solves Undefined Problems

ALPA released a letter this week supporting Canada's use of SMS as a tool to enhance safety in all transportation industries.  Transport Canada has implemented regulations requiring all Canadian aviation companies to have SMS in place. 

The FAA issued a notice of proposed rulemaking earlier this year for implementing SMS on top of existing regulations. As reported by ANN previously, the Aircraft Electronics Association (AEA) opposed the plan, calling it "unrealistic" and calling for "an integrated approach to upgrade the current regulations" instead.

ALPA continues to praise SMS in the letter, calling it an additional line of defense in preventing incidents by allowing airlines "to identify and mitigate safety risks that have not been anticipated by the regulators."


The letter was quick to point out that Canadian regulators still provide additional oversight and regulatory compliance checks in addition to the reviewing SMS programs. 

"ALPA has worked closely with Transport Canada to advance SMS as a safer way of doing business," Capt. John Prater, ALPA's president said. "We will continue to do all we can to move this important aviation safety program forward in Canada."



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