Phoenix Residents Ask For Court Review Of Flight Patterns | Aero-News Network
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Fri, Aug 07, 2015

Phoenix Residents Ask For Court Review Of Flight Patterns

Coalition Of Homeowners Associations In Historic Neighborhoods File Petition

A lawsuit has been filed against the FAA by the leaders of the homeowners associations for several historic neighborhoods in Phoenix, AZ following changes in flight paths, particularly departure corridors, over the city.

The Arizona Republic reports that the associations filed the petition for the court to review corridors in the U.S. District Court of Appeals in the District of Columbia last week.

The filing holds that the FAA did not conduct proper studies to determine the impact on neighborhoods when making changes in flight paths as part of its NextGen implementation plan. The flight paths into Phoenix Sky Harbor Airport were changed in September.

The four neighborhood associations that have filed the petition include  Story Preservation Association, Willo Neighborhood Association, Encanto-Palmcroft Historic Preservation Association and Roosevelt Action Association, according to the paper. Brent Kleinman, president of the Encanto-Palmcroft Historic Preservation Association, said "actual residents and affected individuals are taking a stand to make sure their voices are properly heard.”

The petition is is separate from a legal action filed by the city of Phoenix against the agency in June. The FAA has filed a motion to dismiss that case. The neighborhood associations have said that they support the city's petition, but have specific concerns about their historic neighborhoods that they want the FAA to consider.



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