FAA Announces Real-Time TFRs | Aero-News Network
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Tue, Nov 04, 2003

FAA Announces Real-Time TFRs

Fewer 'Gotchas' Expected

The FAA says that real-time Temporary Flight Restriction graphics now on the FAA website. To provide better service to pilots and to enhance airspace security, the FAA has posted graphical depictions of TFRs on its website.

By clicking on "Pilots: Graphic TFRs," users are able to view real-time TFR graphics and to choose a format or view that best meets their needs. The FAA regularly imposes TFRs for security or safety reasons throughout the country. Acquiescing to numerous higher-on-the-totem-pole agencies such as the U.S. Secret Service, the Department of Homeland Security and the Department of Defense, the FAA establishes TFRs for the protection of the President, Vice President and other world leaders when they travel. Similar restrictions are common around such events as air shows, other large outdoor gatherings, and forest fire sites.

Pilots who fly in TFRs may face a fine or a suspension or even revocation of their license. Pilots accessing the FAA's TFR website will find a list of locations. Clicking on the specific location will automatically provide a map of the TFR and the text of the Notice to Airmen (NOTAM) with both the legal description and a plain-language version on a single page. For pilots with questions, a
24-hour Help Desk will also be available. 

As before, the agency strongly urges pilots flying under Visual Flight Rules (VFR) to call FAA Flight Service at 1-800 WX BRIEF (992-7533) for a full briefing before taking off.

FMI: www.faa.gov www.pilotweb@faa.gov


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