Industry In Crisis: First-Ever Manufacturers' CEO Summit | Aero-News Network
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Airborne Flt Training-12.05.24

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Sun, Mar 09, 2003

Industry In Crisis: First-Ever Manufacturers' CEO Summit

Honchos will meet at AS3/GSE Expo in May

CEOs of major aircraft manufacturing companies will meet to discuss their perspectives on the future of business aviation at the Strategic Issues Breakfast scheduled for Wednesday, May 14th at the Las Vegas Convention Center.

Hosted by the AS3/GSE International Expo, which takes place May 13-15 in Las Vegas, the summit will be led by National Air Transportation Association (NATA) President James K. Coyne (below, left).

The CEO panel will discuss challenges and issues facing the aviation industry as well as new opportunities for aircraft operators and their businesses.

"Bringing together these leaders is a tremendous opportunity for all of us in the aviation industry to hear their perspective and gain insight on many challenges facing our market," says Aircraft Maintenance Technology Group Publisher Kathy Marr. "Their combined experience and behind-the-scenes knowledge of aircraft manufacturing will easily make the panel one of the most important programs at AS3/GSE International Expo."

Eclipse, Gulfstream, Raytheon and Dassault Falcon Chiefs Already Confirmed

Those already confirmed for the panel include Bill Boisture, President of Gulfstream Aerospace and Executive Vice President of General Dynamics Corporation for Aerospace; Vern Raburn, President and CEO of Eclipse Aviation Company; John Rosanvallon, President of Dassault Falcon Jet Corp.; Jim Shuster, Chairman and CEO of Raytheon Aircraft Company and Executive Vice President of Raytheon Company and Chuck Suma, President and CEO of The New Piper, Inc.



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