Tecnam Aircraft: Becoming A Major Player In The Light Aircraft Industry | Aero-News Network
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Thu, Jul 29, 2021

Tecnam Aircraft: Becoming A Major Player In The Light Aircraft Industry

Two New Models -- Complete Offerings From Trainer To Multi-Engine

By Gene Yarbrough

Tecnam aircraft introduced two new aircraft models at airventure 2021, the P92 Echo MKII and the P2010TDI. The P92 Echo MKII is a single engine, 100hp Rotax 912UL powered high wing monoplane certified to the German dulv standards for 600kg ULM with 600kg max takeoff weight, 115kt cruise and 430 nm range. Made from modern composites with sleek styling, the P92 offers modern compact performance and includes all electronic instrument glass panel reliability.

The P20TDI is reminescent of a Cessna 182 styling on a slightly smaller scale. The P2010TDI is powered by a Continental CD-170 diesel engine, sipping Jet-A or diesel fuel while delivering impressive performance at 800lb useful load, 140kts cruise, 960nm range on 5.2 gallons per hour fuel burn. With a 14 hr range this aircraft has legs.

“Continental’s JetA1/Diesel-powered 170 HP engine offers ease of flying with its single-lever control, full FADEC, electronic engine monitoring and redundant safety features. The CD-170 is the newest design and also the highest-horsepower engine in the CD-100 series, well-proven with more than 6,000 engines delivered and over 7.1 million service flight hours.”

“The P2010 TDI is a concentrate of state-of-the-art technologies, where Tecnam’s capabilities to manage both metal and composite technologies has shaped a unique solution in terms of efficiency, load-carrying structure and unique Italian style: fuselage and vertical fin entirely made of pre-peg carbon fibers to provide the best use of space, while wings, horizontal tail and rudder, as well as all the load-carrying structures, are built with 70 years’ experience of light alloy structures.”
Tecnam has been a consistent player in the light aircraft industry in North America for several years and has a stable of aircraft platforms that spans from trainers to Medium Multi-Engine Multi-Role aircraft that can be configured from air trainsport and cargo models to fine executive and private aircraft that have capabilities that fit all roles very well.

The Italian aircraft producer is poised to become a major player across a vast array of platforms that few aircraft manufacturers can compete with. The styling and manufacture are impeccable and the aircraft are well received from pilot and operators alike.

FMI: https://www.tecnam.com/


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