ASA Remote Pilot Test Prep Now Available | Aero-News Network
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Airborne-Affordable Flyers-09.06.24

Sat, Sep 10, 2022

ASA Remote Pilot Test Prep Now Available

The Life Didactic

The means by which aerospace hopefuls prepare for the knowledge tests prescribed by FAR Part 61.35 are—like O’Hare’s taxiways—myriad and convoluted. Flight-schools, independent CFIs and ground instructors, and a galaxy of electronic and online learning programs all snap and snarl for students—each proclaiming itself inherently superior to the next.

Notwithstanding the backdrop against which one chooses to be edified in the innumerable and pedantic datum upon which FAA written tests are predicated, the quality and efficacy of aviation’s didactic aspect is determined primarily by the courseware of which the student avails himself.

For more than eighty-years, Aviation Supplies & Academics, Inc. (ASA) has been providing top-shelf aviation training products to students, pilots, flight instructors, aviation mechanics, air traffic controllers, career aviators, remote pilots, and drone operators. If the FAA has devised a test on a particular subject, ASA may be depended upon to furnish apposite study and test-prep materials. What’s more, ASA's pilot supplies, software, and publications are supported with integrity, consistency, and industry-leading customer service.

The rapid rise of Advanced Air Mobility (AAM) technologies has engendered need for personnel capable of remotely piloting all manner of complex and powerful Unmanned Air Vehicles (UAV)s. The latest information germane to FAR Part 107 and preparation for the FAA’s remote pilot knowledge test is available in ASA’s 2023 Remote Pilot Test Prep book, Test Prep Plus computer program, and Prepware online curriculum.

For purpose of maximizing efficiency and clarity, the Remote Pilot Test Prep book (TP-UAS-23) provides learners questions with explanations for both correct and incorrect answers. Within each book, ASA includes the figures, charts, and diagrams pertinent to the Remote Pilot exam.

That applicants may become familiar with the self-same supplemental materials provided at FAA testing centers, ASA includes the full FAA CT-8080-2H Airman Knowledge Testing Supplement within the Remote Pilot Test Prep book—as opposed to publishing it separately. In all, the Test Prep book includes five practice tests.

Test Prep Plus (TPP-UAS-23)—formerly called a Test Prep Bundle—includes a conventional book, plus the most current Prepware Software and a two-year subscription to Prepware Online. The format affords applicants the flexibility of learning via textbook, desktop or laptop computer, or online using any Internet-connected device.

Remote Pilot Prepware (PW-UAS)—formerly TWD-UAS—combines the entirety of the information found in the Test Prep book with the added benefits of computer-based training—including performance graphs, realistic practice tests, study and review modes, and built-in timers. The software download installs to a computer and includes a two-year subscription to Prepware Online—thereby making any Internet-connected device an opportunity for study. Furthermore, the product allows student integration with Prepware School.



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