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Mon, Jun 30, 2003

Happy Birthday Messrs. Rutan

Desert Bash Celebrates Dick And Burt's Birthdays

Whenever you catch a glimpse of a Burt Rutan aircraft out of the corner of your eye, you tend to look hard -- perhaps even to stare. Now, imagine 100 EZs and Long-EZs in one place at one time. That's how the EZ community of Southern California said "happy birthday" to Burt and Dick Rutan Saturday.

About 100 canard pilots flew to Mojave aircraft that were created by design genius Burt Rutan.  Some flew in as early as the day before so they wouldn't be weathered in at their local airports. They came from all parts of the country to show their admiration for the man who changed the face of the homebuilt experimental aircraft movement -- and many other segments of the aircraft industry as well.

The Rutan brothers entertained the gathering with an informal discussion on Burt's design activities over the years and Dick's adventures in the air, from his military days to the Voyager around-the-world flight and now rocket-powered Long-EZ flights.  Then Burt gave an engrossing presentation that covered the design history of Rutan Aircraft Factory and Scaled Composites.  In all of his test programs, not a single life was lost - a remarkable record when compared to other government and corporate aircraft test programs. 

Secret Tour

Then, to much applause, Burt presented in great detail the space flight program that Scaled Composites has now embarked upon.  The presentation included many photos of the White Knight and SpaceShipOne, both contenders for the $10 million XPrize.

The pilots and future astronauts chosen to fly these craft were in attendance as well. When Burt was asked if he would be a future passenger, he replied.... "You bet your sweet a** I am."

Then came the announcement that everyone was hoping for.  There would be a tour of the Scaled hanger to see the White Knight and SpaceShipOne close up.  Burt and Mike Melvill conducted two large groups through the hangar where Burt described the craft, explained their construction, answered questions, and allowed close examination of these incredible machines.

Unfortunately, in keeping with Rutan's secrecy policy, there were no photos or videos allowed. The SpaceShipOne project, although a closely guarded secret, is a top contender in the XPrize race for private companies to put a reusable manned vehicle in space.

Thanks to Jerry Hansen at the EZ Squadron -- ed.

FMI: www.ez.org


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