Fri, Jan 17, 2025
The FAA is working to diversify and strengthen the aviation workforce by placing fresh funds in two key pools: Aircraft Pilots Workforce Development Grants and Aviation Maintenance Technical Workers Workforce Development Grants.

These are designed to address workforce shortages. Growing up in Camarillo, California, Zachary Erck often went to the Waypoint Café at the Camarillo Airport with his family and was fascinated by the airplanes and the pilots and the stories they told. He did a discovery flight when he was 13 but ‘life got in the way’ and it took him another 20 years to pursue his dream in earnest. And now, Zachary is the newest recipient of the $2,500 Sporty’s Pilot Training+ Scholarship and will apply that toward realizing his dream of becoming an airline pilot. Aware that not all is right in the flight school business, the FAA is bowing to reality in seeking a public meeting to discuss the state of the business. They indicate that, "This will be the first in a series of public meetings on this topic." The big question, of course, is whether the Feds will actually listen... All this -- and MORE in today's episode of Airborne!!!

This episode of Airborne-Flight Training 01.09.25 is chock full of info in this Daily News Episode, Thursday, January 9th, 2025... Presented by Aero-TV veteran videographer and Airborne Host Holland Lee. Holland is supported by ANN Chief Videographer Nathan Cremisino, as well as ANN CEO/Editor-In-Chief Jim Campbell. This episode covers:
- FAA Funds Two Grants to Develop Aviation Workforce
- Sporty’s Presents Pilot Training+ Scholarship Award
- About Time? FAA Calls For Public Meeting To Modernize Flt Schools
- WV Governor Grants $2 Mil to Fairmont University Aviation
- Laughlin AFB Sends Off Its Final T-1A Jayhawk
- High Winds Cancel Young Eagles Rally
- Air Force JROTC Announces High School Scholarship Recipients
Get Comprehensive, Real-Time, 24/7 coverage of the latest aviation and aerospace stories anytime, at And be sure to join us again tomorrow, for the next edition of "Airborne-Flight Training" here on Aero-TV. Thanks for watching. See you, again, next week!
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