First Look: Mattituck's New TMX 360 | Aero-News Network
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Airborne Flt Training-12.05.24


Wed, Jul 16, 2003

First Look: Mattituck's New TMX 360

We promised you a shot or two of the newest offerings from Mattituck, the TMX series engines.

The hard-working engine in the test cell below is a FADEC-equipped unit, hooked up to all kinds of sensors, just so the company can tell exactly what's going on in there. The shiny, custom-painted engine (right) is all set to go in a crate, to a customer.

Mattituck wrote us as they write to customers: "We realize that there are many options and configurations available to you, as you decide what powerplant will be installed on your aircraft. We hope to offer the best technical assistance, as well as the absolute best value to help you through this often difficult decision.

"We feel that with our 57 years experience in the aircraft engine overhaul field and with an average engine assembly technician experience level of in excess of 15 years, we can offer you an engine assembled and tested by the most knowledgeable and experienced personal, in the industry. Our reputation for unprecedented quality, service and dedication to our customers needs, speaks for itself."

Constant attention to detail, innovation, and sweating the details at Mattituck have given the firm a solid reputation in the rebuilding industry; now, the same expertise is being aimed at those who want a top-notch engine for their experimental aircraft.

As we noted yesterday, the engine of record is the 360-inch model, but 320-inch TMX-series engines are also available.

As Mattituck often notes: "Don't have your engine manufactured by inexperienced personnel, and then give it to us to fix at a later date." Those of us who have 'been there, done that' don't need the painful reminder; and we're glad that the top-dog engine builders are paying attention to the homebuilders' market.



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