Stock Clerks Join Below-Wing ACS And Cargo Employees, Flight
Attendants And Others In Voting Against Unionization
Delta Air Lines as received notification from the National
Mediation Board (NMB) that an overwhelming majority – 73
percent - of TechOps Stores employees voting in the Stores
representation election rejected representation by the
International Association of Machinists (IAM).
There were 607 votes cast – 439 "no" votes, only 166 votes
for IAM and two write-in votes. There were 673 eligible
"Whether voting under the old rules or the entirely new voting
process, Delta people continue choosing to stay with the great
tradition of this Airline of people working together," said Mike
Campbell, executive vice president – HR and Labor Relations.
"This is the eighth workgroup in which representation was resolved
since Delta's merger, resulting in no union for the more than
41,000 employees in these groups. We urge the IAM and AFA to
respect our people's choice and the will of the majority. Delta
people have patiently waited two years to have their pay, benefits,
work rules, and seniority aligned. It's time to move forward."
In addition to the 439 TechOps Stores employees who rejected
IAM representation, Delta's below-wing Airport Customer Service and
Cargo warehouse employees rejected IAM representation in the Fleet
Service election last week, flight attendants rejected AFA
representation earlier this month, Delta's simulator technicians
twice rejected IAM representation in 2010, and Delta's
meteorologists rejected union representation in March 2009. Delta's
aircraft maintenance technicians and technical writers/planners
also resolved representation by moving to a direct relationship in
early 2009. These groups total more than 41,000
"Since the merger's close, many of you have expressed the desire
to move forward as one team," said Tony Charaf, president –
Delta TechOps, in a memo to employees. "We are ready to begin the
process of aligning pay, benefits and work rules, and producing a
single seniority list as quickly as possible."
Delta employees continue voting in one remaining representation
election as a result of Delta's merger with Northwest. Results for
Reservation Sales and customer-facing airport and cargo agents in
the Passenger Service craft or class will be announced on Dec.