Wed, Oct 01, 2003
Responsible for Operations in North America
NetJets has announced that W.W.
Boisture, Jr. has joined the company as president. Boisture will
assume responsibilities for NetJets operations in North America and
will be based at the company's operational headquarters in
Columbus, OH. Boisture will report directly to Richard T. Santulli,
NetJets chairman and chief executive officer.
"We are very pleased to have an experienced executive the
caliber of Bill Boisture join our team," Santulli said. "His skills
and experience compliment our existing staff and he provides the
management and leadership depth to support growth and
"Bill brings valuable experience in
all areas of business aviation. He has a strong track record of
building and growing successful businesses and his experience and
expertise will help take our company to the next level. Having
worked closely with Bill for over 15 years, I know we share very
similar and sound business philosophies. I am excited about working
with Bill on a day to day basis."
Discussing his new appointment, Boisture said, "I am excited
about the future of our company and am extremely pleased to join
the team. I first began working with NetJets in 1989 when I was
responsible for Butler Aviation. Since then, Rich Santulli and I
have worked on significant business transactions. I look forward to
working to maintain and strengthen our position as the leader and
to open new markets for our products and services."
Boisture was most recently executive vice president of General
Dynamics Aerospace and president of Gulfstream Aerospace where he
was a leader in the turnaround and significant growth of that
company beginning in 1994. Prior to that he was responsible for
British Aerospace Corporate Jets, Butler Aviation and SimuFlite
Training International as president of each firm. NetJets, a
Berkshire Hathaway company, is creator and world leader in
fractional aircraft ownership, which allows individuals and
companies to buy a piece of a private business jet at a fraction of
the cost of whole aircraft ownership and then guarantees
availability 365 days a year with just a few hours' advance
NetJets' fleet of over 500 aircraft is the largest and most
diversified in the fractional aircraft industry and includes 13 of
the best-in-class business jets manufactured. This year NetJets
will fly more than 250,000 flights to over 145 countries.
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