FAA Awards Federal Data Center Consolidation Support Contract | Aero-News Network
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Fri, Dec 03, 2010

FAA Awards Federal Data Center Consolidation Support Contract

TechTrend, IBM Partnership Wins Business Worth $6.3 Million

The FAA has awarded a $ 6.3 million contract to TechTrend for contractor support to assist FAA in planning, implementing, and monitoring the Data Center Consolidation Initiative(DCCI). TechTrend is partnered with IBM on this strategic, three-year initiative. This datacenter consolidation effort is part of a mandate from Office of Management & Budget (OMB) to federal departments and agencies to identify existing datacenter assets and formulate plans to consolidate them. 

The plans will take into account best practices from the public and private sector to promote the following:

  • Reduction in hardware, software and operational costs.
  • Focus on improving the overall IT security posture of government systems and environment.
  • Reduction of energy consumption by leveraging "green IT" concepts.
  • Migrate IT investment to more efficient computing platforms and technologies.

The TechTrend-IBM team will focus on applying industry best practices on data consolidation to help FAA meet OMB mandates, while ensuring smooth operations of all systems. The contract covers one base year with two one-year options.

"This team is especially well suited to develop and support the DCCI requirements," said Kunal Suryavanshi, Account Leader for IBM's Global Business Services. "TechTrend is a small business well known for innovation at the FAA, and IBM provides world renowned technology and skill in green data center development. Together we provide the FAA with methodologies and technologies that will assist them in the design and monitoring of a cost-effective and efficient data center consolidation."

The TechTrend-IBM team stands committed to ensuring that the FAA Datacenter Consolidation Initiative is a success by ensuring that the lessons learned and past experience deploying cloud-computing, virtualization and other application migration approaches are brought to bear for this critical effort.

FMI: www.trendtech.us, www.faa.gov


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