TFR-O-Rama #3: TFR For Bush NYC Trip | Aero-News Network
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Sat, Jun 21, 2003

TFR-O-Rama #3: TFR For Bush NYC Trip

Pilots operating in the Connecticut/New York/New Jersey area will need to pay extra attention to notams on Monday, June 23. The FAA has published a notam establishing a 30-nm-radius temporary flight restriction (TFR) for President Bush's trip to New York City. It extends up to but not including 18,000 feet. The TFR is centered in the Wall Street area of lower Manhattan, 7.7 nm from the Canarsie (CRI) VOR on the 328 radial, and will be in effect from 1600 local until 2035 local on Monday, June 23.

All aircraft operations within a 0-7 nm radius are prohibited, except as described in the notam.

Aircraft operating within a 7-30 nm radius must be on an active IFR or VFR flight plan, must be in constant radio contact with air traffic control (ATC), and must be transmitting a discrete ATC-assigned transponder code. All aircraft operations are limited to aircraft arriving or departing local airfields, but ATC may authorize transit operations. Aircraft may not loiter.

While AOPA continues to lobby against such large Presidential movement TFRs, the association was pleased to see the "no-fly" area held to a seven-mile radius.

Landing facilities impacted

The Wall St. Heliport (JRB), New York Skyport Seaplane Base (SPB) (6N7), E. 34th St. Heliport (6N5), W. 30th St. Heliport (JRA), and Pam Am Metroport Heliport (6N4) all fall within the 0-7 nm ring and will effectively be closed to general aviation traffic for the duration of the TFR.

Newark Liberty International (EWR), LaGuardia (LGA), Newark NR1 Heliport (3N4), Little Ferry SPB (2N7), Teterboro (TEB), John F. Kennedy International (JFK), Linden (LDJ), Evers SPB (6N6), Sands Pont SPB (7N3), Essex County (CDW), Morristown Municipal (MMU), Lincoln Park (N07), Westchester County (HPN), Republic (FRG), Old Bridge (3N6), Central Jersey Regional (47N), and Greenwood Lake (4N1) airports all fall within the 7-30 nm ring and will need to follow the flight plan/squawk-and-talk rules outlined in the notam.

In addition, operations at Haverstraw Heliport (H43) and Somerset Airport (SMQ), which lie less than 1 nm outside of the TFR, will be impacted.



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