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Thu, Feb 27, 2003

US Ultralight Association In Turmoil

Big Problems Reported With Pioneering Ultralight Group

The organizational nightmare that seemed to have started with the dismissal of USUA Founder John Ballantyne (last May) seems to be continuing. The US Ultralight Association, which recently hosted their annual business meeting, is reported to be in financial disarray, and is dealing with a number of Board resignations, more firings and a lot of confusion.

For the moment; this is what we know to have happened... Two highly regarded USUA staffers have been dismissed. USUA's John Ballantyne was fired last May, Tom Gunnarson was fired last Sunday.

Three board members have resigned with little or NO prior notice... Board Chairman Al Carpenter, Rich Pendergist, and Scott Severen.

Carpenter reportedly threw in the towel just before the annual meeting... after reports that he was to be confronted by a number of angry members, "with a lot of questions."

A replacement Chairman, Lew Clement, appointed shortly before the meeting and went on to direct it... to mixed reviews.

USUA's Regional Representatives were reportedly none too pleased (and are expressing this displeasure publicly). One rep, Dr. Tony Romanazzi, resigned in protest, while Clement's position  which is supposed to be an elected position was replaced by appointment.

So... who's minding the store at USUA's new (and less costly) headquarters in Frederick, MD? For the moment, that responsibility seems to have been thrust upon a fellow by the name of Rich Pendergist, which will (part-time), take over Gunnarson's role as Chief of Operations. Remaining Directors include Lew Clement as Board Chairman, Arty Trost, Art Greenfield (NAA Rep), and Reggie DeLoach. A number of Regional Rep positions had recently been filled by appointment, temporarily, but these interim appointments are expected to be "fluid."

Obviously; there's been a bit of a bloodbath and what was once the most effective voice of the ultralight movement has been pretty much muffled by internal politics and a reported case of severe micro-management of HQ staff by Board members. Worse; this has happened at a time of great transition for the light sport and ultralight aircraft movement... so the loss of effectiveness in this organization may turn out to have critical consequences for the sport aviation industry. We'll keep you apprised as to how this all works out.



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