Direct-To Avionics has ceased operations. Direct-To Avionics was
an independent distributor in the experimental amateur-built
market. Systems sold and distributed by Direct-To Avionics
contained components supplied by Chelton Flight Systems, Crossbow
Technologies, Pinpoint Inertial, TruTrack Flight Systems,
FreeFlight Systems, and others. Every order placed by Direct-To
Avionics to Chelton Flight Systems was manufactured and shipped in
a timely fashion by Chelton Flight Systems. Despite Chelton’s
timely response to Direct-To Avionics orders, Chelton Flight
Systems has learned that Direct-To customers paid for, but have not
received all or part of the products ordered.
Chelton Flight Systems will continue to sell its synthetic
vision components into the experimental market through existing
Chelton dealers. Chelton Flight Systems will also continue to
provide customer technical support and warranty service to all
existing dealers and aircraft builders. To facilitate our
commitment, Chelton appointed Greg Schmidt, Chelton Flight
Systems’ Western Region Sales Manager, as Sales Manager for
Experimental Sales. Mr. Schmidt has built several experimental
aircraft, currently flies his own experimental aircraft, is a
licensed A&P Mechanic, and is an instrument rated flight
In a goodwill gesture
to help minimize the detrimental impact to those customers who have
purchased Chelton Flight System components from Direct-To Avionics
and have not received them, Chelton Flight Systems will provide
replacement Chelton and Pinpoint Inertial components at
significantly below cost pricing: $10,300 for a dual Integrated
Display Units (IDU) and a single Pinpoint Inertial ADAHRS/GADAHRS
system, or $4,000 for a Pinpoint Inertial ADAHRS/GADAHRS.
Chelton Flight Systems currently has inventory. Due to the
anticipated high demand, replacement orders will be prioritized
based on entry into service of the customer’s aircraft and
the total number of requests for replacement components.
To accept this offer, Customers must provide Chelton Flight
Systems with satisfactory documentation verifying payment to
Direct-To Avionics for Chelton components. Other terms and
conditions may apply to this offer and it is subject to termination
at CFS’ discretion.
Please contact Chelton Flight Systems at 208-389-9959 for
instructions on documentation verification and order placement.