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Sun, Aug 10, 2003

What Was This Guy Thinking?

Air France Copilot Arrested After Telling Security Of "Shoe Bomb"

If reports of what Philippe Rivere said at JFK Airport (NY) Friday are true, you have to wonder about the bright bulbs who sit up front on Air France Flights. Rivere, the copilot of an Air France flight from New York to Paris, supposedly told the TSA inspectors at a security checkpoint that he had a bomb in his shoes.

Whatever you think about the TSA, you probably know this: Inspectors take that kind of stuff very seriously.

Rivere was arrested on the spot. The Air France flight, with more than 300 passengers on board, was cancelled for lack of another copilot (it left Saturday morning). Rivere now stands charged with falsely reporting an incident and could face up to seven years in prison. He's now behind bars, awaiting arraignment.

FMI: www.tsa.gov


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