NEXA Capital Partners Launches Urban Air Mobility Geomatics | Aero-News Network
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Thu, Sep 12, 2019

NEXA Capital Partners Launches Urban Air Mobility Geomatics

Company Will Facilitate And Accelerate Direct Investment In The UAM Marketplace

NEXA Capital Partners has launched Urban Air Mobility Geomatics, LLC, a new business intelligence entity to accelerate much-needed investment into eVTOL flight through analytical tools and advanced models, supported by geospatial data and business case analysis. UAM Geomatics is also pleased to announce a partnership with Blue Raster, an award-winning Esri pioneer in interactive ArcGIS technology.

The urban air mobility opportunity ... arguably a trillion-dollar market ... is critically hampered because the aerospace sector lacks basic business intelligence needed to make the financial case for both vehicle and infrastructure investment. Michael Dyment, Managing Partner of NEXA Capital Partners stated, “The industry has an urgent need of improved reliability of market forecast information as well as relevant geocoded data pinpointing heliports, hospitals, power lines, airports, airspace boundaries, and even corporate headquarters, in order to start planning eVTOL networks for the world’s major cities.”

Much of the current market intelligence available is outdated, grossly inaccurate, or unsupported by data. For instance, NEXA’s August 2019 report, Urban Air Mobility – Economics and Global Markets, identified thousands of heliports representing over $4 billion in infrastructure value not officially recorded by regulators or Air Navigation Service Providers. The NEXA study also forecast that between now and 2040, the industry will serve 1.3 billion passengers and will need 28,000 vehicles to service demand.

As UAM Geomatics, LLC Managing Director,  Dyment has 40 years’ experience in aerospace finance, holds a B.Sc.E in Geomatics Engineering from the University of New Brunswick, and a Master of Science in Aeronautics from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Blue Raster fields a strong team of geomatics professionals with specialties including Enterprise Architecture, Cloud Computing, Geographic Information Systems, Amazon Web Services, Internet mapping, ArcGIS Server, ArcGIS, ArcView, ArcSDE, Adobe Flex, ColdFusion, SQL Server, Requirements Analysis, Internet mapping, Rich Internet Applications, web applications, HTML5, and JavaScript.

(Image provided with NEXA Capital news release)

FMI: www.nexa?


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