Fri, Jan 10, 2025
Flying Car’s Design Evolved In 2024
Samson Sky discussed the company’s achievements in 2024 in its year-end summary, and although the vehicle displayed good performance on the ground and in the air, it missed its target flight speed goal of 160 mph. So the company pivoted and made significant design changes that were validated in wind tunnel testing.
The coming year will be very busy but holds great promise as the vehicle goes into production engineering and also flight testing to confirm the wind tunnel results. The company will be running parallel construction pathways for the wing and body and will build its first three production vehicles in its R&D facility in Oregon.
Yet to come are the molds that still need to be made for the body and wings and then parts made. Samson says the molds should be finished by about March, and once the individual parts are made and tested the vehicle will be assembled to perform structural testing. After structural testing is passed, the vehicle will be cleared for flight testing.
In addition to flight testing for performance and handling, the company will test the redesigned vehicle to confirm the specifications for acceleration, braking, speed, and cornering. Upon completion of the testing program on the first Switchblade, the two additional production vehicles will be built and tested to confirm the results.
Following completion of the testing program, the three vehicles will be sent on a 50-city U.S. Tour to showcase Switchblade to as many people as possible. Then they will travel to other parts of the world including Europe, the Middle East, India, and Japan. Indeed, a very busy year lies ahead for Samson Sky and its flagship Switchblade!
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