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Airborne Flt Training-12.05.24


Tue, Jul 08, 2003

Cessna Goes South

Skylane Will Watch Over Eagles as Part of Duties

Alabama's Department of Conservation, Wildlife and Freshwater Fisheries, recently took delivery of a new Cessna 182T Skylane. [Does the "T" in this case, stand for, "twang?"] The airplane will primarily be used for conservation law enforcement and wildlife surveys such as duck counts and American Bald Eagle surveys.

The 182T was chosen because of the successful experience the Department of Conservation had with their previous aircraft, a 1982 Cessna 182R.

According to Ramon Stroud, pilot for the Alabama Department of Conservation, "In the Cessna 182T, we can cover the entire state and check the progress of each American Bald Eagle nest in about 12 hours flight time. The 182 is fast enough to cover the state, yet can be flown slow enough to conduct these unique wildlife surveys. Locating an Eagle nest in the middle of the forest can be a challenge, but we're able to use the Skylane's GPS and avionics equipment to locate and determine the status of a nest in just one pass. In only 12 hours, we can gather the data that would take weeks to get from a ground observer."

Through conservation efforts, Alabama's American Bald Eagle population has flourished. Ten years ago, the state of Alabama had no nesting Bald Eagles. Today, there are approximately 40 active nests in the state.

FMI: www.cessna.com


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