Embraer 170 Flight Simulator Qualified by FAA and JAA | Aero-News Network
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Thu, Oct 16, 2003

Embraer 170 Flight Simulator Qualified by FAA and JAA

Ready for Immediate Training of Cockpit Crews

Embraer announced that the Embraer 170 flight simulator was granted by the FAA, the United States Federal Aviation Administration (through its NSP, National Simulator Program), and JAA, the European Joint Aviation Authorities (through its JSET, Joint Simulator Evaluation Team), the ILC (Interim Level C) operation qualification, which allows cockpit crew training to begin right away. The Brazilian authority that qualifies simulators, DAC (Departamento de Aviacao Civil), sent a representative to Montreal to take part in the campaign as an observer.

Can a 170 ride be far behind?

This coincides with the final steps in the intense certification program for the first jet of the new Embraer 170/190 aircraft family, and meets the needs of operators by enabling them to establish and start their respective training schedules at once.

"Certification of the Embraer 170 simulator once again demonstrates that Embraer is delivering on its commitments to customers and partners," said Luiz Hamilton Lima, Senior Manager for the EMBRAER 170 Program. "With the Embraer 170, the company is offering its customers worldwide, not only a superb aircraft, but also a comprehensive array of support products and services that ensure lean and efficient operations."

Developed jointly with Canadian manufacturer CAE Inc. -- a provider of technology solutions for civil and military applications -- the Embraer 170 flight simulator has been completed and performing test operations since July 2002, and the qualification just granted allows regular cockpit crew training activities to get started immediately. The equipment was also being used in Embraer 170 certification tests required by the CTA (Centro Tecnico Aeroespacial), FAA and JAA.

FMI: www.embraer.com; www.cae.com


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