Materiel Command Working To Help Local Economies Under
As Air Force officials focused on acquisition of weapon systems
and related hardware, Air Force Materiel Command stands to make a
noticeable contribution to a stepped-up effort by the federal
government to increase awards of contracts to small businesses.
In summer 2009, Department of Commerce and the Small Business
Administration officials worked together to ensure small businesses
received nearly a quarter of all federal contracts funded under the
American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. Per these two agencies, the
success of the ARRA initiative proved the government had the
ability to meet or exceed a 23 percent government-wide small
business goal. In the three previous fiscal years, as well as
fiscal 2010, the federal government overall had come up just short
of the goal at an average of 21.95 percent .
An interagency task force on Federal Contracting Opportunities
for Small Businesses has until Dec. 30, 2010, to report progress on
implementing recommendations aimed at removing barriers and
increasing the small business share of federal contracts. President
Barack Obama established the task force earlier this year. "It's
not an exact science and sometimes very difficult to figure out why
you're not meeting the overall 23 percent goal," said Carol White,
the chief of the Small Business Office at AFMC headquarters. "The
findings from the task force will provide new direction, either
through policy or legislation, and it may take awhile to flow down.
We'll have to wait for the implementing guidance."
In fiscal 2009, AFMC budget officials spent 11.75 percent, or
$5 billion, on small business contracts, putting the command 6.25
percent shy of reaching its 18 percent goal. "The Air Force has
assigned AFMC goals through fiscal 2013," Ms. White said. "In each
of these years, our goals increase until we're aligned with the
government-wide goal of 23 percent. Our fiscal 2010 goal was 20.13
percent, yet preliminary contract spend data indicate we are likely
to finish the year close to where we finished in fiscal 2009. Our
fiscal 2011 goal is 20.54 percent."
AFMC officials are making progress toward those goals, but there
is still room for improvement, according to Ms. White. "Although
we've shown an improvement trend in dollars awarded for small
business prime contracts during the past five years, we're not
where we need to be, and we're encouraging all of our acquisition
personnel to step up their effort to maximize small business
participation in our acquisitions," Ms. White said. "The statutory
goals fall into both prime and subcontracting categories. The 23
percent overall government-wide goal is for small business prime
contracts only. We can't meet this goal via subcontracting
arrangements," she said.
Small business office specialists are available to assist
internal acquisition organizations in early acquisition planning
activities and post award matters, and to assist external industry
businesses in a number of different ways. "We provide one-on-one
counseling and are available through telephone and office visits,
Ms. White said. "We are always encouraging large businesses to
partner with small businesses through the Mentor
Protégé program or via subcontracting."
Small business office officials also host and sponsor events
throughout the year to attract and assist small-business owners in
learning how to do business with the government. "These events are
important and help us better understand how small businesses can
help AFMC meet warfighter needs," Ms. White explained.
Because the federal government is the largest buyer in the
world, spending more than $500 billion in goods and services each
year, contracting a fair portion with small businesses just makes
sense, Ms. White said. The federal task force is co-chaired by the
Small Business Administration, the Office of Management and Budget
and the Department of Commerce. It includes 12 other federal
agencies. Three priority objectives and actions were identified.
They are:
- Stronger rules. Taking action to strengthen and update policies
where they are weak or outdated and develop policies in areas where
they are lacking.
- A better equipped more informed and more accountable
acquisition workforce. Increasing the knowledge base and efficiency
level of the procurement workforce and providing appropriate
incentives and accountability for agencies to meet small business
- Improved outreach and better use of technology and data.
Producing a one-stop shop online for easier access to obtain
information, as well as improving accuracy when acquiring