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Fri, Jun 06, 2003

Fliers All Signed for Kitty Hawk

EAA's Project Achieves Milestone in Plenty of Time

EAA-member pilots will play a significant role in helping celebrate the achievements of the Wright brothers and 100 years of powered flight in 2003. As part of EAA's Countdown to Kitty Hawk program, presented by Ford Motor Company, EAA and the National Park Service have combined to create EAA's 50 Flags to Kitty Hawk initiative. One EAA-member pilot from each of the 50 states has been selected to fly their respective state flag to the Wright Brothers National Memorial in Kitty Hawk (NC), during the day of their choice in calendar year 2003. Each pilot will also carry a proclamation from that state's governor declaring the day of their flight "50 Flags to Kitty Hawk Day" for their respective state.

After being welcomed by the National Park Service, the flag of the pilot's home state will be raised and flown throughout the day at the National Memorial.

Charles Stites, EAA-member pilot from North Carolina, was the first pilot to fly his state's flag to Kitty Hawk, kicking off the program on December 17, 2002 at the 99th Anniversary of the First Flight ceremonies. (Dates for completed flights are in larger type.)

Pilots Selected:

State Pilot Date of Flight, A/C
AL Ronald David  
AK Kendell Smith May 30, 2003
AZ Robert Brackett Oct~Nov, Beech Baron C55
AR Tony Palesotti Sep. 6, Cessna 310P
CA Martha King May 19, 2003
CO Donna Miller  
CT Stephen Korta  
DE Barry Breeding  
FL Barbara Walters-Phiullips  
GA Richard Urash Jun~Jul, Luscombe 8A
HI Eliot Merk  
ID Douglas Kandle July 22-27, Cessna 206
IL Charles Taylor  
IN David Clark  
IA Shane Vande Voort TBD, Cessna 120
KS Benjamin Lee  
KY Steve Koch  midsummer, BE55
LA Emmett Carson  TBD, V35 Bonanza
ME John Gobel Maine Powerchute Assn
"Tag Team," multiple machines
MD Denny Workman  TBD,  Mustang II
MA Raymond Lehner Jr.  July 7, Cessna 172
MI Kevin Brennan  
MN Kevin Rebman  Aug. 31, PA-28R-200
MS Johnny Smith  
MO Les Featherston  
MT Ray Sanders  mid-Sep, Travel Air 6000
NE Jon Enevoldsen  July 13, Cessna 170
NV James Bonelli  mid-July, Cessna T-41B
NH Robert Hough/Jack Ferns  June 21; 1943 Grumman Widgeon
NJ Angus Fraser  
NM John Rice April 8, 2003
NY John Morrow  
NC Charles Stites December 17, 2002
ND Malia Mosman  TBD, Piper Warrior
OH Carl La Rue  
OK G. Michael Huffman  
OR Cheryl Cruson  TBD, RV-6
PA Gina Montgomery May 29, 2003
PR Edgar Tello  end of July, Republic RC-3 Seabee
RI Rick Dyer  Sep, Viking DragonFly
SC Kip Pratt  TBD, Millennium Edition C-172
SD Amanda Svec  June 26, Cessna 172 SP
TN Marcia Barnes  
TX Rick Raesz  
UT Marc Reynolds  TBD, Aviat Husky
VT Loren Shaw  
VA Michael Davis April 20, 2003
WA Larry Howard/Addison Pemberton  Sep 19, Stearman Senior Speedmail
WV Michael Sheridan  Nov, Cessna 182
WI Eric Oxendorf  
WY Timothy Hu  Sep 26, Cherokee Six

While some arrival dates are yet to be determined (TBD), and some aircraft are as-yet unknown, the presence of such dedicated EAA-ers and their aircraft will surely shine a bright light on sport and general aviation, and perhaps show even non-aviation journalists some of the joy of flight.

FMI: www.countdowntokittyhawk.com


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