Aero-Help Wanted: ANN Needs A Good Honest Marketing Manager | Aero-News Network
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Airborne-Affordable Flyers-09.06.24

Sat, Jun 06, 2015

Aero-Help Wanted: ANN Needs A Good Honest Marketing Manager

ANN/Aero-TV Marketing Department Needs Part or Full Time Personnel

E-I-C Note: After months of hints, we've unveiled the beginnings of the 'Airborne Unlimited' project and we're excited to report that we're making stunning, if highly educational, progress. But; it's time to ramp up some efforts here... marketing, in particular... and we need someone exceptional for the job! If you'd like to help chart the course for a game-changing program produced by THE company that transformed the aviation news and information industry, NOW is the time to check us out -- JRC, ANN E-I-C.

Since ANN started, we have enjoyed the amazing support of a group of sponsors who have, by and large, been generous and visionary.

As a matter of fact, most of the sponsors you see on ANN called us first -- leaving us little to do but to finish some paperwork, and get them started. You have no idea how wonderful that has been for us... leaving us (mostly) to work on the editorial end of ANN and build it into what is generally recognized as the Aviation World's Most Widely Read Daily News Service.

Thanks to them, we have served the aviation world aggressively and comprehensively for a decade... and our second decade is proceeding nicely.

We're looking for someone to take on the job of guiding and managing the marketing and promotional growth of ANN and Aero-TV -- as well as the exciting addition of the next SportPlane Resource Guide, AeroSport Resource Guide and some other projects we'll be announcing VERY SHORTLY -- one of which is a game-changer--really.

We're looking for a Marketing Professional... an aggressive, detail-oriented, ethical, honest, well-spoken, smart, web-savvy, marketing and promotions-oriented person who can help ANN introduce a whole new generation of aviation businesses as our partners in growing the Aviation World's Daily News Service, as well as to brainstorm and manage a number of promotional and industry programs.

This is going to be a busy job and it requires a marketing professional who will do the job without shortcuts or any hint of less than proper conduct. It's going to require excellent sales skills, solid marketing smarts, a consistent work ethic, tremendous ingenuity, a keen insight into the aviation world, a great imagination and a TRUE communicator... someone who also GETS just how important ANN is becoming to the aviation world, and can be counted on to help us grow our services and abilities so that we can do EVEN MORE than we do already.

But most of all, we need a TEAM player... ANN has never been about one person... it's been about an amazing team of people with great goals and (truly) amazing skills doing extraordinary things for the aviation world. If you think you have what it takes, get in touch with us...


Please send your resume, an intro letter, and contact information to ANN right away... as these positions are ready and waiting for the right person, right now.

And that's all you have to do! We'll be in touch!

FMI: ANN Opportunities 2015




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