New Jersey Goes To Bat For AOPA's Airport Watch | Aero-News Network
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Mon, Jun 02, 2003

New Jersey Goes To Bat For AOPA's Airport Watch

Asks Airport Managers To Take Active Role

New Jersey's highest ranking aviation official wants the state's public-use airport managers to take an active role in promoting AOPA's Airport Watch.

Director of Aeronautics Thomas Thatcher recently sent a letter to all of the state's public-use airports, explaining the program, urging that the airports take an active role, and setting a strong example at the state level.

Wholehearted Support For Airport Watch

"A few weeks ago I had the opportunity to meet with AOPA President Phil Boyer to learn more about the Airport Watch program," Thatcher wrote. "To express our support for this program, the Division of Aeronautics purchased 200 Airport Watch signs to be distributed at no cost to New Jersey public use aeronautical facilities."

He went on to list more than half a dozen national aviation organizations and government agencies that back the program and said, "Your local support of Airport Watch is greatly appreciated."

In a note to Boyer, Thatcher said "I am very pleased that we can support AOPA in this important national program."

"Airport Watch will succeed only if airports and airport users actively participate," said Boyer. "We greatly appreciate the strong show of support from both  Thatcher and the State of New Jersey."



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