BRS Chutes Equip the OMF line | Aero-News Network
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Airborne Flt Training-12.05.24

Airborne Holiday

Sat, Aug 02, 2003

BRS Chutes Equip the OMF line

BRS, Inc. recently announced its second OEM customer for its emergency airframe parachute system, which is also available as an STC'd installation for the Cessna 172 (and soon, the 182). In a press conference at Airventure 2003 in Oshkosh, executives from both companies expanded on the announcement.

Mark Thomas of BRS  explained the rationale behind the new partnership. "OMF is developing a newer, safer, and more advanced aircraft - and a parachute is an important part." After brief introductory remarks, he yielded the floor to OMF's Managing Director, Derek Stinnes.

Derek is clearly very proud of his company's machine. "It's the only new certified two seater," he said, and described some of the insanely stringent certification standards that the OMF Symphony 160 2-seater has met, particularly dwelling on safety technology. "Our Part 23 seats took almost double the required [deceleration forces] during drop tests. And every one of our planes has come standard with four-point harnesses," he said. "The BRS gives you one more option."  The parachute is especially appealing to what he called "non-air people." People who have an idea that flying has some inherent risks, and that might not understand traditional risk-amelioration measures, do "get" the parachute.

It was interesting to see Allen Klapmeier of Cirrus at the press conference. At first, Cirrus had enjoyed its exclusive OEM arrangement with BRS. Cirrus, of course, is in the history books for the first-ever ballistic-parachute "save" in a certified plane. But far from being concerned about competition, Allen was delighted to see OMF add this safety device to its two- and four-seat lines.

"This was one of the things that we looked at, that we thought that we could patent," Allen told the press. "But we decided we didn't want to." Instead, Cirrus wanted to see any safety advance spread throughout the industry."

"Oh yeah," said Mark, "this piece of equipment can prevent the 'spousal veto.'"

So there you have it - the BRS emergency chute not only save your life, it can help you get the airplane in the first place!



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