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Airborne Flt Training-12.05.24


Fri, Oct 24, 2003

Around the World in 80 Hours

Fossett to Go Solo -- in Rutan-Designed Jet, Powered by Bran$on

Steve Fossett holds the record for the slowest nonstop solo flight around the world (13 days), set last year in a balloon. This week, with friend and backer Sir Richard Branson, he announced that he plans to become the fastest man to go solo around the world -- in the atmosphere, at least.

In a single jet-powered 'flying gas tank' designed by -- who else? -- Burt Rutan, Fossett (left, above, with Branson) hopes to eclipse the record set by Dick Rutan and Jeanna Yeager in 1986, when the pair flew another Burt Rutan design, Voyager, around the world nonstop, non-refueled, sitting tandem between a pair of Continental piston engines.

This machine, as-yet unnamed, but also of composite construction, will weigh just under 4,000 pounds empty... and 24,000 gross.

Fossett, 59, thinks he can do it, solo.

Branson, very nearly as nuts as Fossett, and in all the right ways, says he's to be the reserve pilot; but he hopes Steve will be in perfect health when all the other flight parameters line up, as early as the Spring of next year. "I am not very good at sitting in one place for more than five minutes," Branson admitted.

How much will it cost? The Reuters agency reported it will cost about $2.5 million, "...if Fossett makes it." Non-aviation press... ya gotta love 'em.


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