Kansas Dept. Of Wildlife, Parks And Tourism Providing UAS Training | Aero-News Network
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Thu, May 10, 2018

Kansas Dept. Of Wildlife, Parks And Tourism Providing UAS Training

Kansas State Polytechnic Partnering With The Agency For The Program

Kansas State University Polytechnic Campus is partnering with the Kansas Department of Wildlife, Parks and Tourism to send 30 employees, including 12 law enforcement officers, through unmanned aircraft systems training from May through June.

The employees will attend sUAS Commercial Remote Pilot Training and then be eligible to sit for the Federal Aviation Administration exam to become certified as remote pilots in command. Eighteen Department of Wildlife, Parks and Tourism staff members will complete Basic Multirotor Training, becoming proficient in basic aircraft maneuvers and safety procedures. Twelve officers who serve in an enforcement capacity will complete the Law Enforcement Training over two separate weeks. This training provides officers with extensive hands-on flight training related to fundamental and advanced maneuvers, crew resource management, accident scene reconstruction, search and rescue, and night operations.

Both flight training courses will utilize Kansas State Polytechnic's industry-leading aircraft and payload technology.

"We are extremely proud to be selected as the UAS training provider for the Kansas Department of Wildlife, Parks and Tourism," said Kurt Carraway, executive director of the Kansas State Polytechnic's Applied Aviation Research Center. "This is our first opportunity to train an entire statewide division, and the opportunity for two state of Kansas entities to partner is always exciting. The synergy behind this collaboration will continue to keep Kansas as the frontrunner in UAS technology and integration."

Susan Steffen, fisheries biologist for the Kansas Department of Wildlife, Parks and Tourism, said she and her fellow department employees are looking forward to the professional instruction and comprehensive hands-on training provided by Kansas State Polytechnic.

"The UAS training will help our law enforcement officers ensure safety across the state by being able to conduct search and recovery efforts more efficiently with UAS," Steffen said. "Our biologists will be able to use the UAS training to conduct research on fish and wildlife populations."

Kansas State Polytechnic was recently named third-place winner in the training and education category of the 2018 XCELLENCE Awards by the Association for Unmanned Vehicles Systems International. This award recognizes the valuable training and service offered by Kansas State Polytechnic to the UAS industry.

(Image provided with K-State news release)

FMI: www.k-state.edu


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