Pivotal Gains Access to USAF Resources Under OTA Contract | Aero-News Network
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Sun, Jun 02, 2024

Pivotal Gains Access to USAF Resources Under OTA Contract

Deal Helps Bolster Development Process on Road to Production for Helix eVTOL

Pivotal signed an 'Other Transaction Authority' contract with the US Air Force and its AFWERX Agility Prime program, providing them with access to testing facilities, segregated airspace, and "expert resources" for a 2-year term.

The firm sees the contract as a very solid step in the right direction, where they'll be able to make the best use of government testing facilities and space to keep up developmental pace on their Helix eVTOL.

“This OTA (Other Transaction Authority) Contract with the USAF is our first direct-to-government contract and only our second DoD related transaction. We see this as a strong vote of support for the mission potential of Pivotal’s technology,” said Ken Karklin, CEO, Pivotal. “Not only are we going to advance the capabilities of our patented tilt-aircraft architecture through this relationship, we are going to accelerate the establishment of the Helix’s airworthiness and see its utility demonstrated in a range defense of missions.”

AFWERX is the force's little play service, allowing them to be nimble with funding projects that could ultimately transform fundamental aspects of Air Force operations. 

The difference, at least compared to so many contracts under a similar vein for DARPA, lay in the fact that AFWERX tends to invest in projects closer to release, where developers have real-world prototypes ready to go.

“Agility Prime is providing Pivotal access to the kind of world-class testing capabilities unmatched anywhere and perfectly suited to accelerate development of light eVTOL technology and its resulting mission capabilities for the force. Ultimately, this delivers better commercial outcomes for us, better capabilities outcomes for the DOD end-user, best value for the taxpayer, and gets us all there faster.”

”Providing expertise, logistical support, and essential government test resources exemplifies Agility Prime's goal to collaborate with industry partners to support the advancement of the commercial eVTOL sector, which could provide new mission-relevant capabilities to our warfighters," said Lt Col John Tekell, AFWERX Agility Prime Branch Chief.

FMI: www.pivotal.aero


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