Compiled By The Staff and Readership of the Aero-News Network and Aero-TV (Part 1 of 5)
For quite a while, we have recognized the highs and lows inherent in the general and sport aviation community -- and yes, we’ve had a bit of fun in the process. There are but a few places where that is more apropos than at a major event like the Oshkosh Fly-In -- a place where one can take a solid read on the heart and soul of aviation. It's hard to know what really is going to make a difference and what really qualifies as exceptional unless you've been watching this industry carefully for several years... as we have.
Over the last few years, ANN readers remarks have been heavily incorporated into ALL aspects of this report, and not just the Aircraft awards and such. Their contributions have been carefully considered and (in many cases) incorporated into our annual summation.
The full list of our Annual Best Plane of the Year Selections (tentatively announced after Oshkosh and finalized at year's end) will await the end of the year. So; here are our picks for the Best and Worst of this year's Oshkosh... and why we think so...
ANN Thanks its readers, staff and supporters for their input to this year’s listings... in particular, ANN appreciates the input and assistance of Tom Patton, Nathan Cremisino, Ashley Hale, Paul Audd, Ben Flock, Dave Juwel, Judy Juwel, Gene Yarbrough, Maxine Scheer, Eric Van Gilder, John Ylinen, Bruce Brandon, Rich Davidson, Ginger Davidson, Tom Woodward, Karen Woodward, Maria Morrison, Roland Delhomme, and Katherine Tryon.
The “Big” Story: EAA v FAA -- and the FAA Looks Like (Expletive Deleted)
This was the year that the FAA finally showed its stripes and quit pretending that they really had any concern for the future of general and sport aviation by using draconian and extortionate tactics to fleece EAA and its membership of nearly a half-million bucks. The FAA looked like idiots... and the aviation community pretty much despises the agency for their decisions and the bizarre manner in which they were made and carried out.
- The EAA Leadership has changed the downward spiral of member unhappiness. Members and volunteers are back in front.
- Grassroots and congressional efforts may help ameliorate FAA fees for OSH and other air shows.
The Story We Wished We Could Have Missed: The Continuing Decline Of Sport and General Aviation
Folks... its not only really happening, but we’re running out of time to do something about it. The aviation world is a uniquely American expression of freedom... and its dying off... little bit by little bit. If this industry does not sound the call to turn this state of affairs around... aggressively... then much of American aviation, especially GA, is doomed to die.
- FAA extortion for ATC fees from EAA
- GA Apathy leading the FAA to make it’s move
- Folks who held back and took a “Wait and see” approach-This OSH could have been significantly bigger, even against the headwinds from DC and the pullback of many who sat it out.
- A decade after ANN pitched EAA over the use of Jumbotrons, they finally decide to use them... but (often) shaky camera-work ruined much of the appeal.
- Aviation is still populated by far too many scam-artists, frauds, and fast-talkers... and the industry still looks (mostly) the other way -- these morons, in the past, have cheated and/or defrauded thousands, harmed hundreds and killed dozens... when is this industry going to wake up and demand better accountability?
Oshkosh 2013 Aircraft Awards:
Best ‘Aircraft’ of Show (Overall): Jetman
While the air show presentation needs some work, there is no question that the first US appearance of Jetman -- the half-man/half-jetplane -- fired up imaginations all over the country.
Ingenuous, cool, amazing and undeniably a little bit crazy, ‘the man who would be a jet’ wowed everyone with his creative efforts. If they can find a more visible way to present his program, he’s going to be a big hit at air shows around the world.
The flying car really flies... and in front of God and everybody. We've waited for years and to our surprise, the reality seems worth the wait. This was fun to watch and while we have grave doubts about the true market for this engineering marvel, it sure filled us with pride to see one of our own accomplish the nearly-impossible. As impractical as such a vehicle seems at the moment, the future may hold other surpises.
We hope so.
Best Ultralight/Ultralight Trainer: Quicksilver MX Sprint
This bird has been around forever... but there is a reason for that... incredibly stable, easy to fly and exceedingly well-crafted, ye ol' Quicksilver, the entry-level MX Sprint most of all, has a lot of life left in it and a whole lot of flying fun to offer. No matter how many hours I accrue, I am unlikely to pass up a chance to enjoy the simplest of aero-pleasures in 'ye ol' Quick.'
- TEAM mini-Max, Belite Ultra-Cub. Both these birds are for the bargain flyer who otherwise does not want to compromise on their bird’s fun factor... simple, easy-to-fly and well-engineered, both these aircraft represent uncommon flying values.
Best "Affordable Flyer": Sonex Onex
Simple in concept and design, the single-place Onex does it all... its affordable, fast, fun, cute and aerobatic. Backed by a company a solid and growing rep for customer support and satisfaction, the Onex has little choice but to succeed where so many failed -- especially in the single-place genre.
- Nearly anything by RANS.
- Kitfox Super Sport
- Airplane Factory Sling 2 and 4
Best "LSA": Tie... The Kitfox Super Sport, and Pipistrel’s Alpha Trainer
- The Kitfox stands out simply because it remains an outstanding aircraft capable of winning even more hearts and minds than the thousands that have already been owned and flown by pilots worldwide-- and backing by a thoroughly ethical and respectable company only adds to the value.
- The Alpha Trainer represents an uncommon value in terms of a unique, modern, training aircraft that will be incredibly affordable to operate... and again, is backed by a responsible company that fully understands how to support its clientele.
Best Values In LSA: Skycraft SD-1
We rarely name a plane that is this early in its development, and certainly not one we haven’t flown yet... but there’s something about this project, its cost-effectiveness and the manner in which the aircraft is being promoted and developed that begs for consideration. This is a bird to watch... and we are.
- Kitfox Super Sport
- RANS S-20
- Pipistrel Alpha
- Sonex Onex
- Van’s RV-12
Best Kit/Plans Aircraft: Anything by Van’s Aircraft
Seriously... what sport aviation manufacturer has built so many popular, time-tested designs as the airplane house that Vans Grunsven built? From the RV-3 to the RV-14, the man just does not know how to put forth a bad airplane. He’s a bloody genius... and the RV-14, in particular, may be the bird that we have to build for ourselves.
- Just SuperSTOL
- Glasair Sportsman
Sport Aviation Companies With Staying Power: Pipistrel
Incredibly innovative, solidly ethical and truly cost-effective, Pipistrel is assembling a sport (and soon-to-be-certified) line-up that may be impossible to top. From the incredibly cost-effective Alpha Trainer to the exotic Panthera, Pipistrel may be one of the biggest names in the business in no time at all. Damned impressive.
- Kitfox
- CubCrafters
- Sonex
- Zenith
Best High Performance Kit Aircraft: Lancair Evolution
In the high-performance ‘homebuilt’ game, nothing comes close... and best of all, the aircraft is backed by a company that has a solid rep of customer service (anyone notice how often we mention that kind of thing... if you've EVER had a bad experience, you KNOW how important this really is) and an excellent history of achievement. The aircraft was designed to offer a top-of-the-line expereince for sportplane builders and fliers who could afford and wanted a wholly spectacular experience not offered by certified airplanes... and this is IT.
Best Rotorcraft: Mosquito XEL on Floats
This looks to be one of the ultimate fun machines... available in an ultralight legal configuration, if you like, the Mosquito is building a strong rep and reports from builder/flyers that appear to be trending overtly positive. What a nice change from the woeful days of the Mini-500 debacle... We're going to have to schedule a solid test flight series in one of these ... looks like fun!
Best Certified Aircraft (At Oshkosh): Redbird’s Innovative Yet Practical 'Redhawk'
The Redhawk has it all... good manners, the latest technology... and a price tag that is far below that of the latest new C172s (over $320K, reasonably equipped... are you kidding, Cessna?). Best of all, the cost of operation is going to make for happy flight schools and happy students. Win-Win -- and really clever. Best of all... this is a VERY inventive crew... and we simply can't wait to see what they come up with next.
Hey ANN Readers! It's NOT too late to let us know what YOU think! Let's hear from YOU, our readers and viewers, about the all the highs and lows YOU experienced in your examination of what is still the greatest airshow on Earth, warts and all.