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September 16, 2023

Registration Open for 2023 WOW STEM Conference

Cleveland in Autumn

Registration is open for the International Women’s Air & Space Museum’s (IWASM) 2023 Wings of Women (WOW) STEM Conference. The unique event for middle and high-school-aged young women welcomes students across northeast Ohio to explore potential STEM careers, engage in hands-on activities, and learn from mentors in small group settings.

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Soyuz MS-24 Docks at International Space Station

70th Changing of the ISS Guard

NASA astronaut Loral O’Hara and Roscosmos cosmonauts Oleg Kononenko and Nikolai Chub arrived safely at the International Space Station (ISS), docking to the orbital facility’s Rassvet module at 18:56 Zulu on the evening of Friday, 15 September 2023. The trio’s arrival via the Soyuz MS-24 mission brought the space station’s crew complement to ten spacefarers.

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Leonardo Makes Statement Addressing October 2018 AW169 Accident

Helicopter Model Confirmed Safe to Operate

On 27 October 2018, an AgustaWestland AW169 helicopter, registration G-VSKP, went down in the vicinity of King Power Stadium, a soccer venue in the city of Leicester in England’s East Midlands. The accident claimed the lives of the helicopter’s five occupants. In September 2023, Leonardo S.p.A., the Italian multinational aerospace, defense, and security concern and world’s 12th-largest defense contractor, set forth a comprehensive statement pertaining to the aforementioned mishap.

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Bell Begins HSVTOL Testing at Holloman Air Force Base

The Past and Future of High-Speed Flight

Bell Textron Inc. has delivered a High-Speed Vertical Takeoff and Landing (HSVTOL) test-article to Holloman Air Force Base for demonstration and technology evaluation. Testing teams will leverage the Arnold Engineering Development Complex Holloman High Speed Test Track for purpose of vetting the test-article’s folding-rotor, integrated-propulsion, and flight control technologies at speeds representative of actual flight.

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Airborne 09.08.23: MW LSA Expo, R66 Upgrade, ClearVision EFVS

Also: Whitaker Nominated 4 FAA Admin, EASA VTOL Regs, GE90 Issues, PAL-V 'Flying Car'

ANN is having a BLAST at the MidWest LSA Expo in Mt. Vernon, IL. While low ceilings around the airport hampered or delayed a few folks from getting to the field, most of them had made it by the end of the day -- paving the way for the good weather currently forecast for Friday and Saturday. The Expo has a good showing of the regulars, as well as some new designs, with several actual ultralights and gyroplanes joining the mix. A new tail layout for the R66 Turbine will provide "enhanced roll stability during high-speed flight." Robinson Helicopter Company says that the new co

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BAE-L3Harris Deliver First EC-37B to USAF

G550-Based Electromagnetic Attack Platform Impresses

British multinational arms, security, and aerospace company BAE Systems and American defense contractor and information technology services provider L3Harris Technologies have jointly delivered the first of ten EC-37B Compass Call aircraft to the U.S. Air Force. The service will presently commence formal combined developmental and operational testing of the aircraft.

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NATA Rebrands

New Look, Broader Mission

Since its founding 83-years ago, the National Air Transportation Association (NATA) has stood for professionalism, action, and partnership in aviation. NATA, an acronym pronounced as one word with a long A, is committed to empowering the safety and success of aviation businesses. In keeping with the relevancy of its mission, NATA has adopted a new logo which amalgamates bold, unique lettering with the Association’s trademark blue and orange palette which connotatively represents an industry extending beyond the beloved red, white, and blue emblematic of the United States.

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Classic Aero-TV: ‘Agreeable’ Fly-By-Wire – Sagem’s Active Side Stick Program

From 2015 (YouTube Version): Fly By Wire Is No Longer Just For Fighter Jets And Airliners!

This video addresses the subject of active side sticks for aircraft with fly-by-wire control systems. NBAA2014 was the place to get the latest information on this technology, and ANN CEO and Editor-In-Chief, Jim Campbell, spent some time at Sagem Avionics Division talking with Phillipe Arnaud, the vice president of sales and marketing, about their entry into this high technology field.

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United to Purchase Up To One Billion Gallons of Sustainable Aviation Fuel

Portrait of the Gambler’s Fallacy

Houston, Texas-based clean technology concern Cemvita Corporation announced on 13 September 2023 that it had entered into an offtake agreement with United Airlines by which the Chicago-based air-carrier will purchase up to one-billion-gallons of so-called Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) from Cemvita’s first full-scale SAF plant. Per the agreement’s provisions, Cemvita will annually supply United Airlines up to fifty-million-gallons of its CO2-derivative SAF for twenty-years.

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NTSB Prelim: Cirrus SR20

Accident Occurred During The Student Pilot’s Fourth Takeoff Following Three Full-Stop Landing

On September 2, 2023, at 2218 eastern daylight time, a Cirrus SR20, N420PB, was destroyed when it was involved in an accident near Toms River, New Jersey. The student pilot was fatally injured. The airplane was operated as a Title 14 Code of Federal Regulations Part 91 solo instructional flight. According to the student pilot’s flight instructor, the purpose of the flight was for the pilot to perform solo takeoffs and landings at night. In written statements, other pilots operating at and around Ocean County Airport (MJX) stated that the student pilot was communicative over the airport’s common traffic advisory frequency and id

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ANN's Daily Aero-Linx (09.16.23)

Aero Linx: Airborne Ministries Airborne Ministries helps in worldwide Christian evangelism by training and equipping nationals and missionaries with a compact, self-contained video projection system to enhance and enable their outreach efforts using the Jesus video and other Christian media tools. They also take short-term evangelistic trips to expose American Christians to another culture, acquaint them with the effectiveness of aviation evangelism using the Jesus video, and to minister the life changing Gospel message. 

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ANN's Daily Aero-Term (09.16.23): Option Approach

Option Approach An approach requested and conducted by a pilot which will result in either a touch-and-go, missed approach, low approach, stop-and-go, or full stop landing. Pilots should advise ATC if they decide to remain on the runway, of any delay in their stop and go, delay clearing the runway, or are unable to comply with the instruction(s). 

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Aero-News: Quote of the Day (09.16.23)

“We are excited to be a part of the event and to be partnering with the B-29 Doc again; there’s so much history to share. We look forward to helping to share the history of Miss Mitchell and her crew with people in Wichita.” Source: CAF Minnesota Wing’s development officer Amy Lauria remarking on B-25, Miss Mitchell’s, arrival and corresponding tour stop in Wichita -- which will coincide with the 07 October B-29 Doc WSU Tech Pull a Plane event. In addition to B-25 ride flight experiences offered during the Pull a Plane event, Miss Mitchell will be available for ride flights between 05 and 08 October. B-29 Doc Flight Experiences will be available 08 October.

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