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May 29, 2021

US Vintage Aerobatic Championship Canceled

FAA Blamed For Loss Of Exciting Sport Aviation Event

The US Vintage Aerobatic Championships, sponsored by the Antique Airplane Association (AAA) and the Air Power Museum (APM) at Antique Airfield (IA27) near Blakesburg, IA should have been a REALLY good time, as it was planned for this June 25th & 26th, 2021. But... thanks to issues with the FAA, it is not to be. AAA Boss, Brent Taylor, has posted the following.... "After a long day yesterday on the phone, emailing, messaging and talking with many people involved in helping us with our plan to host the US Vintage Aerobatic Championship, I have decided to cancel the event. To give you a reason as to why, it is the problem of obtaining the necessary waiver for an aerobatic box from the FAA. For

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Better Late Than Never -- FAA Advises Extreme Caution Over Belarus

26 year old Journalist Raman Pratasevich Is Being Held After His Kidnapping From Ryanair Flight

The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) issued an alert advising U.S. passenger airlines to exercise extreme caution while flying over Belarus. Following worldwide condemnation by pilot's groups and countries alike, after Belarus faked a bomb scare in order to force an airliner down to arrest a dissident, the FAA is belatedly joining in the condemnation. Journalist Raman Pratasevich, and his girlfriend, was detained by the Belarusian government last Sunday. Belarus Leader/Dictator/President Alexander Lukashenko who recently won re-election with a suspiciously large majority of the contested vote, presided over a sham trial in which Pratasevich wa

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SAFE Opposes 'Warbird Adventures' Precedent

SAFE's David St. George Qualifies The Organization's Thinking On This Controversy

A recent court decision has upheld the FAA’s questionable “cease and desist” order against “Warbird Adventures.”  This ruling lets stand an interpretation that threatens the historic role of CFIs as “educators” and will have a negative effect on all flight training (and aviation safety). This action has left CFIs confused and at risk from the greater future liability of “flying for hire,” along with potential regulatory and medical consequences. SAFE has taken a clear and provocative stand opposing the recent court “Warbird Adventures” Decision in which pilots acting as flight instructors have lit

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Take a Flight in the Historic EAA B-25 Bomber

The Berlin Express Has Been On Display In The Eagle Hangar Of The EAA Aviation Museum

EAA is bringing the World War II B-25 bomber Berlin Express to several cities this summer to offer flight experiences aboard the aircraft and it will also be displayed at EAA AirVenture Oshkosh 2021. This aircraft is a powerful twin-engine and twin-tailed medium bomber used by the U.S. military starting in World War II. It is the only U.S. military aircraft to ever be named after a person, air power advocate General Billy Mitchell.

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Top Aces Receives FAA Certification For F-16

Adversary Air Training Operator Reportedly First To Operate F-16s Under Commercial License

Top Aces is celebrating a milestone as its newly-acquired F-16 fighter aircraft earned FAA certification and completed its first flight. In order to support the US Air Force (USAF) Contracted Air Support indefinite delivery/indefinite quantity (IDIQ) contract, Top Aces took delivery of its first four F-16s in January, reportedly becoming the first private company in the world to own and operate a fourth-generation fighter aircraft.

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GEICO Skytypers Air Show Team Returns

Performing This Weekend During the 2021 Bethpage Air Show

The GEICO Skytypers Air Show Team will take flight this weekend during the 2021 Bethpage Air Show on May 29-30 along the shores of Jones Beach State Park, NY. The Long Island-based squadron of six World War II-era aircraft will perform their dynamic aerobatic precision flying demonstration for the hometown crowd both Saturday and Sunday during the Memorial Day weekend air show. The Skytypers perform at fifteen air shows each year in cities primarily along the east coast. The team's fleet of vintage warbirds are based at Republic Airport in Farmingdale with a majority of the team members residing on Long Island.

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Classic Aero-TV: NASA's Prandtl-D -- Preliminary Research Design to Lower Drag

From 2016 (YouTube Version): CAUTION -- Everything You Thought You Knew About Aerodynamics Is About To Be Tested...

When ANN CEO and Editor-In-Chief, Jim Campbell, attended the AMA Expo 2016, he probably never expected to get a lesson on advanced aerodynamics at a show that featured recreational radio controlled airplanes. However, he learned some amazing things about new aerodynamic research and is sharing it with you in this video. Jim visited with, Albion Bowers, who is the Chief Scientist at NASA Armstrong. Among other things, Bowers is working on a program titled, ‘Preliminary Research Aerodynamic Design to Lower Drag.’  It&rsq

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NTSB Prelim: Israel Aerospace Industries Ltd Gulfstream G150

Applied Brakes And Thrust Reversers But Did Not Observe An Indication That The Spoilers Deployed

On May 5, 2021, about 1033 eastern daylight time, an Israel Aerospace Industries LTD Gulfstream G150, N22ST, was substantially damaged when it was involved in an accident at Ridgeland-Claude Dean Airport (3J1), Ridgeland, South Carolina. The two pilot and three passengers were not injured. The airplane was operated as a Title 14 Code of Federal Regulations Part 91 executive/corporate flight. According to the pilot, he conducted a preflight inspection with no anomalies noted and the first leg of the trip was completed without incident. On the second leg of the trip, he was performing a visual approach to runway 36 at 3J1. The copilot had completed the b

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ANN's Daily Aero-Linx (05.29.21)

Aero Linx: The MedEvac Foundation International The MedEvac Foundation International “the Foundation,” is an international non-profit 501(c)(3) charitable organization headquartered in Alexandria, VA.  Since 2005, the MedEvac Foundation International has supported academic research, studies, and education programs designed to enhance the industry’s ability to deliver high-quality, safe, and effective medical care and medical transportation for every patient in-need.  The Foundation’s charitable programs support our industry’s members and their families who provide life-saving services and serve their co

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ANN's Daily Aero-Term (05.29.21): High Speed Taxiway

High Speed Taxiway A long radius taxiway designed and provided with lighting or marking to define the path of aircraft, traveling at high speed (up to 60 knots), from the runway center to a point on the center of a taxiway. Also referred to as long radius exit or turn-off taxiway. The high speed taxiway is designed to expedite aircraft turning off the runway after landing, thus reducing runway occupancy time.

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Aero-News: Quote of the Day (05.29.21)

"We at SAFE, representing over 3600 flight educators, urge the Agency to expedite a final ruling preserving the instructor’s historic role as 'educator' and not 'charter pilot.' Adopting the broader interpretation implied in this court’s recent decision would create irrevocable harm to our industry and diminish aviation safety." Source: SAFE's David St. George explaining the many hazards the flight training organization sees in recent rulings to the aviation community and the craft of flight instruction. 

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