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October 09, 2021

Textron Sells 10 Skyhawks To Kansas State University

The 10 New Skyhawks Will Bring Total Fleet to 20

Textron Aviation released news of a recent order for 10 Cessna Skyhawks, destined for Kansas State University Salinea Aerospace and Technology Campus, bringing their total fleet to 20. “K-State” also owns Bonanzas, Barons, motorgliders, and sailplanes in their collection, all put to use in their Part 141 pilot training program. The Salina, Kansas school was one of the earliest participants in Textron’s Top Hawk program, receiving their position in 2015. Since then, they use their customized, branded Skyhawks for promotional activities and flight training.

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NTSB Prelim: Cessna 404

...Recalled Configuring The Airplane For Landing By Extending The Landing Gear And Flaps

On September 18, 2021, about 0800, a Cessna 404, N5409G, was substantially damaged when it was involved in an accident near Sheridan, Wyoming. The pilot was not injured. The airplane was operated as a Title 14 Code of Federal Regulations part 135 scheduled cargo flight. The pilot stated that the flight and landing approach were uneventful. He recalled configuring the airplane for landing by extending the landing gear and flaps, and then began the landing flare. His next recollection was of being in the airplane at the right side of the runway surrounded by a cloud of dust. He did not have any recollection of how the airplane got there.

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AD: AERO Sp. z o.o. Airplanes

AD 2021-19-14 Identifies The Unsafe Condition As Cracks In The Propeller Hub

The FAA is adopting a new airworthiness directive (AD) for AERO Sp. z o.o. (AERO) Model AT-3R100 airplanes with an ELPROP 3-1-1P propeller. This AD results from mandatory continuing airworthiness information (MCAI) issued by the aviation authority of another country to identify and correct an unsafe condition on an aviation product. The MCAI identifies the unsafe condition as cracks in the propeller hub. The FAA is issuing this AD to address the unsafe condition on these products. This AD is effective October 27, 2021.

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