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August 20, 2024

Airborne 08.12.24: Stolen LSA, GoldFinch eFlight, LAST Hawaii Mars Flight

Also: G700 OK'd In UK, AH-64 Accident, San Diego Fire-Rescue, RAA Approves Report

You don't see this kind of story every day... thank goodness. An experimental Quad City Challenger II, which apparently had recently been stolen, experienced a terminal case of fuel exhaustion and subsequently made a forced landing on a bit of farmland, owned by Kristofer Surran, in Corbin City, New Jersey. Electra’s hybrid-electric eSTOL demonstrator, the EL-2 Goldfinch, successfully completed a demonstration of its STOL and flight capabilities at NASA’s Langley Research Center in Hampton, Virginia. Electra and NASA are collaborating on Advanced Air Mobility (A

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ANN's Daily Aero-Linx (08.20.24)

Aero Linx: Lone Star Flight Museum  The Lone Star Flight Museum (LSFM) is a 501c3 aviation museum and STEM learning center with a mission to celebrate flight and achievements in Texas aviation history as well as educate and engage our youth through science, technology, engineering and math. In addition to the Texas Aviation Hall of Fame, the 130,000 square foot museum is home to a flying collection of rare and historic commercial, general aviation and military aircraft. Guests can experience the wonder of flight in a warbird ride and get hands-on in the high-tech Aviation Learning Center and Flight Academy. Multiple public and STEM-focused education programs create an unforgettable museum e

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ANN's Daily Aero-Term (08.20.24): Obstacle Departure Procedure (ODP)

Obstacle Departure Procedure (ODP) A preplanned instrument flight rule (IFR) departure procedure printed for pilot use in textual or graphic form to provide obstruction clearance via the least onerous route from the terminal area to the appropriate en route structure. ODPs are recommended for obstruction clearance and may be flown without ATC clearance unless an alternate departure procedure (SID or radar vector) has been specifically assigned by ATC.

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Aero-News: Quote of the Day (08.20.24)

“As we add content providers to AeroEducate, it not only provides for a more robust offering for youth, parents, teachers and youth group leaders who have a passion for aviation, but also encourages other organizations and companies to join us in inspiring the future of aviation... Each provider specializes in a different, unique aspect of aviation education, allowing for more ‘well-rounded’ and innovative programming.” Source: Paul Maloy, EAA Director of Education, speaking about the Experimental Aviation Association having added a trio of new collaborations to their free aviation education program, AeroEducate, fleshing out their program for students throughout their primary and secondary schooling.

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