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December 21, 2024

Airborne 12.13.24: Whitaker To Resign, CAF MidAir Report, SpaceX $$$

Also: Japan Looks For WWII Bombs, USCG Rescue, Buffett Honors, Osprey On Hold-Again

FAA Administrator, Michael Whitaker, will step down before President-Elect, Donald Trump, takes office next month. Unless a new and highly qualified successor is named swiftly, the nation’s air transportation system could be in for hard times, as Whitaker’s departure leaves the FAA without a chief while still embroiled in the middle of a number of probes into (among others) safety issues at Boeing, an aging workforce and problems within the ranks, as well as a series of never-ending air traffic controller problems -- not the least of which is a serious

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Classic Aero-TV: EAA’s Eric Fatla - One A&P’s Journey Begins

From 2014 (YouTube Edition): This Is How A Great Life Gets Its Start... Enjoy!

While at EAA AirVenture 2014, Special Aero-News Correspondent, Michael Maya Charles, got a little off the beaten track and visited the Kermit Weeks hangar located on the north side of Wittman Regional Airport. While not actually part of the AirVenture exposition, Charles found a story that bodes well for the future of general aviation. Charles was lucky enough to be there at a time when he could meet a young man by the name of Eric Fatla. Eric is the kind of guy that works behind the scenes, but without him the scenes couldn’t take place. At only 24 years old

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NTSB Preliminary Report: Cessna 182T

...He Heard The Pilot Say, “Oh [Expletive].” The Pilot Lowered The Nose And Started To Turn

On November 23, 2024, about 1115 mountain daylight time, a Cessna 182T airplane, N434CP was destroyed when it was involved in an accident near Drake, Colorado. The flight crew consisted of the pilot, a mission observer, and a photographer. The pilot and photographer sustained fatal injuries, and the mission observer sustained serious injuries. The airplane was operated as a Title 14 Code of Federal Regulations Part 91 federal public use training flight. The flight was conducted by the Civil Air Patrol (CAP).

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ANN's Daily Aero-Linx (12.21.24)

Aero Linx: Aerospace Medical Association (AsMA) 

The Aerospace Medical Association (AsMA) is organized exclusively for charitable, educational, and scientific purposes. It is the largest, most-representative professional membership organization in the fields of aerospace medicine and human performance. AsMA is a scientific forum providing a setting for many different disciplines to come together and share their expertise for the benefit of all persons involved in air and space travel....

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ANN's Daily Aero-Term (12.21.24): Hazardous Weather Information

Hazardous Weather Information Summary of significant meteorological information (SIGMET/WS), convective significant meteorological information (convective SIGMET/WST), urgent pilot weather reports (urgent PIREP/UUA), center weather advisories (CWA), airmen's meteorological information (AIRMET/WA), graphical airmen's meteorological information (G-AIRMET) and any other weather such as isolated thunderstorms that are rapidly developing and increasing in intensity, or low ceilings and visibilities that are becoming widespread which is considered significant and are not included in a current hazardous weather advisory.

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Aero-News: Quote of the Day (12.21.24)

"The FAA continues to increase efficiencies in our licensing determination activities to meet the needs of the commercial space transportation industry... This license modification that we are issuing is well ahead of the Starship Flight 7 launch date and is another example of the FAA’s commitment to enable safe space transportation." Source:  Kelvin Coleman, the FAA Associate Administrator for Commercial Space Transportation, letting the world know that SpaceShip 7 is good to go....and it should be a sight... 

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