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December 22, 2019

Airborne 12.20.19: FW-190 Flies Again, Lilium Jet Testing, Enstrom's 60th

Also: Tyndall AFB Rebuild, Gulfstream SAF Milestone, Congress Creates 'Space Force', Delta Rejoins A4A

A Focke-Wulf FW 190 belonging to the Tri-State Warbird Museum in Cincinnati, OH, has made its first flight. The flight is the culmination of a project that has been underway for several years. According to Charlie Hotel Aviation, the plane was built around the nameplate of an FW190 F-8 which was shot down in 1944. It was manufactured by Arado company which was one of several companies building FW 190s during the war. This nameplate was salvaged together with other parts and ship

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ANN's Daily Aero-Term (12.22.19): Icing

Icing The accumulation of airframe ice. Types of icing are: a. Rime Ice− Rough, milky, opaque ice formed by the instantaneous freezing of small supercooled water droplets. b. Clear Ice− A glossy, clear, or translucent ice formed by the relatively slow freezing or large supercooled water droplets. c. Mixed− A mixture of clear ice and rime ice.

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ANN's Daily Aero-Linx (12.22.19)

Aero Linx: Cessna 150-152 Club This is the official website for the Cessna 150-152 Club, the "Best type club in general aviation." Since 1980 the Cessna 150-152 Club has been the place to go for information about the Cessna 150 and 152. In these pages you will find the latest news, social information about our club, and technical information about each model of the Cessna 150 and 152. From photos, to STCs, to light bulbs, it's all here. We also have a very active forum where you can post your adventures, or have your maintenance questions answered by people who own and maintain these wonderful aircraft.  We have fun with our little airplanes too. Information about Fly Outs, group get to

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Aero-News: Quote of the Day (12.22.19)

“It’s really an incredible story. I mean, how many small aircraft manufacturers have been in business for 60 years, continuously, with no bankruptcies, mergers, etc…. While the aircraft have changed dramatically, we have the same type certificate and production certificate we’ve had since 1965. It’s really a testament to the people we have here, our workforce and our local community. Their dedication has led to an incredible international legacy. I just want to thank all of our past and present customers for supporting us all these years. We hear so many great stories of things people did in their Enstroms, how the helicopters affected their lives. We are really proud to be a part of that.” Source: 

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