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November 06, 2024

Airborne 10.28.24: Lilium ShutDown, Crew 8 Splashdown, Eclipse Goes AI

Also: Wheels Up Acquires GrandView, Purdue Grant, iFly EFB/SayWeather, ‘Me & My TBM’ App

In a move that seemed to come out of left field, Lilium announced it is on the verge of insolvency and has ceased operations. On October 24, Lilium N.V. submitted a Form 6-K filing to the SEC stating that the managing directors of its two operating subsidiaries, Lilium GmbH and Lilium eAircraft GmbH, determined that they are overindebted and will be unable to pay existing liabilities within the next few days. The four astronauts from NASA’s SpaceX-based Crew-8 mission successfully returned to earth at around 3:30 am on October 25. Their stay on

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Airborne 10.28.24: Lilium ShutDown, Crew 8 Splashdown, Eclipse Goes AI

Also: Wheels Up Acquires GrandView, Purdue Grant, iFly EFB/SayWeather, ‘Me & My TBM’ App

In a move that seemed to come out of left field, Lilium announced it is on the verge of insolvency and has ceased operations. On October 24, Lilium N.V. submitted a Form 6-K filing to the SEC stating that the managing directors of its two operating subsidiaries, Lilium GmbH and Lilium eAircraft GmbH, determined that they are overindebted and will be unable to pay existing liabilities within the next few days. The four astronauts from NASA’s SpaceX-based Crew-8 mission successfully returned to earth at around 3:30 am on October 25. Their stay on the I

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ANN's Daily Aero-Linx (11.06.24)

Aero Linx: European Civil Aviation Conference (ECAC) Founded in 1955 as an intergovernmental organisation, the European Civil Aviation Conference (ECAC) seeks to harmonise civil aviation policies and practices amongst its Member States and, at the same time, promote understanding on policy matters between its Member States and other parts of the world. ECAC's mission is the promotion of the continued development of a safe, efficient and sustainable European air transport system.

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ANN's Daily Aero-Term (11.06.24): Conflict Alert

Conflict Alert A function of certain air traffic control automated systems designed to alert radar controllers to existing or pending situations between tracked targets (known IFR or VFR aircraft) that require his/her immediate attention/action. 

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Aero-News: Quote of the Day (11.06.24)

“The aerospace supply chain supports industry growth and opportunities. It involves tens of thousands of suppliers from all over the globe which provide parts, platforms and systems that require regulatory approval for use and installation, all of which may not be easily replaced or substituted. It is essential that both government and industry work together to ensure the stability of the supply chain, which was the reasoning behind the assembly of the Aerospace Supply Chain Resiliency Task Force..." Source: From a reaction to a task force report by General Aviation Manufacturers Association Vice President of Government Affairs, Paul Feldman.

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