Wanted: Hi-Res Photos Of External Shuttle Tank | Aero-News Network
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Fri, Aug 01, 2003

Wanted: Hi-Res Photos Of External Shuttle Tank

CAIB Wants Pictures Can Help Troubleshoot Potential Debris Issues

NASA needs to see the big picture when it comes to any future shuttle launches. That's the recommendation of the Columbia Accident Investigation Board (CAIB), which says high-resolution photos of the tank taken during lift-off could help avoid another debris-related disaster. Columbia disintegrated February 1st as it re-entered the atmosphere at the end of a two-week long mission.

The CAIB, charged with reporting to lawmakers and the American people on how that could happen, says debris shed from the external fuel tank probably punched a hole in the orbiter's left wing. That, they theorize, allowed super-hot gases to melt critical parts of the shuttle, eventually leading to its destruction. All seven astronauts on board were killed.

"Imaging the space shuttle system during launch and ascent provides necessary engineering data including the ability to examine the space shuttle system for any unexpected debris or other anomalies during ascent," the board said on its web site, www.caib.us.

All three remaining shuttles have cameras on board capable of imaging the external fuel tank. The problem is, those pictures can only be downloaded after the shuttle's mission is complete. One of the board's recommendations, expected to be finalized by the end of the month, will be for NASA to concoct a way to beam those pictures back while the shuttle is still in orbit. That way, if there's any sign of debris flaking off the external tank, engineers can figure out what sort of damage it caused and how that damage should be addressed.

The recommendations released Wednesday mark the fifth time the CAIB has spoken out on its ideas for making shuttle flights safer. The board also suggests the International Space Station be used as an emergency repair facility should the space planes find themselves in orbit, unable to land.

But that wouldn't have helped Columbia. As the first shuttle put into service, it was simply too heavy to make the trip 240 miles into space for  a rendezvous with the ISS. In fact, the CAIB has yet to say what, if anything, might have saved STS-107.

FMI: www.caib.gov


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