ANN's Oshkosh 2003 Redux #7: A Heckuva Week | Aero-News Network
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Mon, Aug 25, 2003

ANN's Oshkosh 2003 Redux #7: A Heckuva Week

We continue to enjoy the feedback we've gotten from ya'll on the many, many, many stories we published concerning aviation's biggest get-together... Oshkosh 2003.

The 2003 version of this favored event reversed a troubling trend that had plagued many other fly-ins where attendance and visitor satisfaction had been taking a dive for quite some time (especially Sun 'n Fun... which is starting to look like a lost cause).

Reversing A Trend...

But, Oshkosh and EAA pulled off a winner this time around. They reversed the trend toward lesser attendance, put together a friendlier and more interesting event than in year's past, and attracted a lot more people and a truly amazing increase in airplane traffic... the best showing in half a decade.

Good for them.

For our part, ANN fielded the largest team it has EVER sent to any aviation event... utilizing the efforts of some 15 people, both off and on the Convention site, working their buns off, to bring you the real news and vivid flavor of a true aviation extravaganza. Despite the size of the team and the demands of the huge mission that resulted in hundreds of stories, photos, interviews and features, this team represented the best and most enjoyable effort we've ever undertaken.

We worked our hearts out, but we had a ball... and your e-mails tell us that our efforts were much appreciated... for which we thank you.

All in all, it was an amazing week... and for the next week, we want to revisit this incredible experience and call your attention to the entire collection of stories that were presented for your amusement and education, as well as some of our favorites and some quick kudos to the folks that helped us pay the bills (who truly represent the cream of the aviation crop... and we were thrilled to have them on our side -- so please let them know that their sponsorship was appreciated...).

For the next week, we're going to call your attention to the master link that takes you to ALL our many Oshkosh 2003-specific stories as well as some of our favorites articles and take one more opportunity to thank the folks that made it all possible for us to do this amazing job for ya'll...

Click Here For ANN's Master Link
To ALL Our Oshkosh 2003 Stories

Also... we have a few NEW stories that have been filed since the end of Oshkosh that we'll lay on you as well as our long-awaited Osh-2003 summary, some special awards (comprising our take on the Best AND Worst of Oshkosh) and a final wrap-up of our experiences at this year's "Big O."

Read on, enjoy, and please know that we learned a LOT from this year's massive effort and the lessons are still being examined... with the result being that you can expect better and more aggressive coverage of such pivotal events in the future. We're excited about that... and look forward to doing truly exceptional things for you in future...

Jim Campbell, ANN Editor-In-Chief

We Call Your Attention To Some of Our Favorite Stories From Oshkosh 2003
(More To Come...)









This MASSIVE Oshkosh 2003 Special Coverage Effort Was Made Possible (in Part) By SUPPORTING SPONSOR BRS!

Who Loves Ya, Baby? Obviously, These Companies Do...

Continuing our roster of exemplary sponsors, ANN is pleased to draw your attention to the each of the SUPPORTING SPONSORS that helped make it possible for us to bring all these stories to you, day by day, from Good ol' Oshkosh... the most aviation friendly place on Mother EARTH.

In addition to Lead Sponsor Cirrus Design, and Major Sponsors Bombardier, Sennheiser and Unison, please note that our SUPPORTING SPONSORS gave us critical support so that we could write all these cool stories for you...

ANN Supporting Sponsor: BRS Parachutes

You have no idea what a pleasure it is to have BRS as a Supporting Sponsor of ANN's Coverage of Oshkosh 2003... but then again, they've been VERY supportive of ANN Editor-in-Chief, Jim Campbell, in the past... The hard way.

If you take a look at the long list of LIVE/LIVING/NOT-DEAD people who have fired off a BRS Chute "in anger," you'll see his name on the list. So he's not just a grateful Sponsoree... but a survivor -- thanks to the GREAT Letdown that a BRS provides when the whole world has decided that it's NOT going to be your day.

So... who are these guys?

Simple... when all else has failed, these guys are the only ones that can give you that ONE last chance that no one else can (unless you have a direct line to the Al,mighty him/herself). BRS is a company specializing in novel and exquisitely engineered SAFETY systems... specifically, WHOLE AIRCRAFT parachute recovery systems, that can keep an aircraft from inheriting the earth at the kinds of destructive speeds that would not otherwise allow for your survival. Over 150 people can attest to this... 150+ LIVE people. Get the picture?

Learn More About BRS Parachutes by clicking here or by visiting


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