Sun, Jun 01, 2003
Redesigned Aircraft Offers Better Performance And Environmental
Aviation Partners Boeing's much anticipated
Classic Series 737 Blended Winglet™ Program received FAA
certification Friday. With over 25% of all Next Generation 737-700s
and 800s currently equipped with Blended Winglets, Aviation
Partners Boeing's patented technology is already having a huge
impact on airline productivity.
"Over the past couple of years more than 280 Boeing
737-700s/800s have been upgraded to Blended Winglet Technology.
With our new Classic Series 737 Blended Winglets, we anticipate
extensive market penetration to an existing fleet of 1069 Boeing
737-300s and 481 Boeing 737-400s," says Aviation Partners Boeing
Vice President of Sales Sheldon Best. "Given current economic
conditions, Classic Series 737s are being kept in service longer.
Blended Winglet Technology pays off, year after year and for the
life of the aircraft, in fuel savings, performance improvements and
environmental benefits."
Mod Results: "Dramatic"
Performance benefits of Blended Winglet Technology are
particularly dramatic for the Classic Series 737 explains Aviation
Partners Boeing CEO Mike Marino. "The total block fuel savings
benefit of a 737-300SP is up to 4.5% with the average Classic
Series 737-300, flying 2900 hrs per year with 1.5 hour average
stages, saving over 65,000 gallons of fuel per aircraft per
Good News For The Birdies And The Squirrels
The Boeing 737-300SP offers a multitude of operator advantages
beyond simply improving range and saving fuel. Environmental
benefits of a Blended Winglet equipped aircraft, include reduced
noise on takeoff and landing, decreased engine emissions in flight
and reduced engine maintenance requirements. Blended Winglets also
give the 737-300SP a modern look which often translates into
tangible image and marketing advantages.
"Blended Winglets are truly revolutionary in terms of added
productivity," says Aviation Partners Boeing Board Chairman Joe
Clark. "With the world airline fleet racking up 100,000 hours each
day it behooves us to expedite the emergence of Blended Winglet
Technology so that more aircraft operators can start sharing in the
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