Delta's Mullin Sees Shakeout Coming | Aero-News Network
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Thu, Jun 05, 2003

Delta's Mullin Sees Shakeout Coming

Today's 'Big Six' Soon to be 'Big Four'

Speaking off the cuff at this week's IATA convention in D.C., Delta CEO Leo Mullin (right) 'rolled a few (virtual) hand grenades down the aisles.' He said, for instance, that it won't be long before the US airline market, currently dominated by six big carriers, will be dominated by just four.

Speaking of the premium airlines' hub-and-spoke systems, we're told he said that the current number of top-end hubs (nine) is, "...too big by at least 60 percent."

Also mentioned were his backing of federal payments for federally-imposed "security" improvements, and more access to foreign capital, for US firms. 

When we called Delta for a transcript, we were told that Mr. Mullin did not speak from prepared notes, so there was no transcript; our request for an interview was denied.



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