FAA Sued By CA Residents Over Jet Noise | Aero-News Network
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Tue, Aug 04, 2015

FAA Sued By CA Residents Over Jet Noise

Aircraft Approaching KSFO Rerouted Over Portola Valley And Palo Alto

Resident of Portola Valley and Palo Alto, CA have filed a lawsuit against the FAA over jet noise from aircraft approaching San Francisco International Airport (KSFO).

Television station KNTV reports that the residents began to complain about the noise shortly after the FAA established new corridors for aircraft making NextGen approaches to KSFO.

One resident, Michael Tennefoss of Portola Valley, told the station he has personally filed over 3,000 noise complaints. He said when the aircraft are low with flaps and landing gear extended, they shake the house, interrupt business calls, and prevent people from sleeping. Redwood City resident Chad Norman said that there is an airplane flying over his house "like every six minutes."

Residents of the area say that the FAA did not conduct any public hearings or required environmental impact testing before re-routing the traffic. They hope to force the FAA to change the approach corridor back over the ocean or San Francisco Bay, saying they don't just want to push the noise over someone else's neighborhood.

FMI: www.faa.gov


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