State, Federal Agencies Refresh Working Relationship | Aero-News Network
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Airborne-Affordable Flyers-09.06.24

Sun, Sep 04, 2022

State, Federal Agencies Refresh Working Relationship

NASAO and FAA Sign MOUs Regarding Aviation Education, Development, UAS, and Advanced Mobility Across the Country

The National Association of State Aviation Officials (NASAO) has embarked on a mission to strengthen ties between their collective state-level entities and broader federal agencies. 

The NASAO Board Chair, Anthony McCloskey, met with Acting FAA Administrator Billy Nolen to sign 4 separate MOUs detailing and updating the parameters of their continued partnership. NASAO and FAA leadership have agreed to begin work on fulfilling commitments immediately, with another meeting on the books for this month's upcoming NASAO Annual Convention.

After signing, McCloskey noted that the MOU on Aviation and Space Education was a particular interest of his at the beginning of his term as NASAO chair. He sees the chance as a viable avenue to revitalize the NASAO Center for Aviation Education and Research. As such, he hopes the group will be able to bolster state-level education and research, allowing a flourishing industry full of fresh, exciting talent and cutting-edge technology. 

McCloskey said, “NASAO and its state agency members welcome the FAA’s willingness to recommit to this joint effort to promote aviation education as a path to rewarding and important careers. Engaging young people in aviation is critical to the future of the industry and America’s leadership in aeronautics.” 

Greg Pecoraro, NASAO President, said that regularly refreshing the relationship between Federal level stakeholders and state organizations is part and parcel of having a top-quality aviation industry. “Regularly renewing this partnership is critical," he said. Like McCloskey, he sees the future rest in large part on the country's ability to stay on top of advancing developments. "Especially as we look forward to exciting new advances in aeronautical technologies that will revolutionize the industry and how people access aviation”.

In all, Nolen and McCloskey renewed MOUs regarding AVSED, Runway Safety, uncrewed aircraft systems, and advanced air mobility infrastructure. The first commits the FAA and state agencies to work on AVSED outreach throughout the country, while the second will see them both collaborate on runway safety education to prevent incursion/excursion incidents at airports.

Regarding their MOUs on UAS and AAM infrastructure, both parties agreed to aid the effective integration of both new technologies to the National Airspace System. In doing so they aim to minimize waste and doubled efforts by integrating state and federal programs as they ease the country into the future. Finally, they agreed that a particular focus will be placed on providing educational outreach and subject matter expertise regarding new technology. They believe the aviation community needs help in deciphering and untangling the fast-advancing world of UAS and AAM operations, regulations, and related issues.



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