Aero-TV: A Revolution In Progress -- Jerry Gregoire Explains Redbird and Skyport | Aero-News Network
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Tue, Jan 17, 2012

Aero-TV: A Revolution In Progress -- Jerry Gregoire Explains Redbird and Skyport

Here and There, The Aviation Revolution Is Alive And Well...

I don't have to tell you that all things aviation are not in the best shape we've seen them... but here and there, true believers are doing their best to not keep the art and craft of aviation alive and well... but doing their best to advance the art wherever possible.

One of those people, a revolutionary at heart, Jerry Gregoire, is trying to make a critical part of the aviation world in the hopes that his own brand of revolution will spark others.

Jerry is putting his money where his heart is... A few weeks ago, he finished construction of a multi-faceted aviation research and development laboratory, located in San Marcos, TX. The new facility, designated Redbird Skyport, is the culmination of the efforts of Redbird Flight Simulations and King Schools and is supported by GAMA, AOPA, Cessna, Avemco and other industry partners.

Skyport is but the first step in developing solutions to the challenges of a shrinking pilot population, staggering student drop-out rate and the ever increasing cost of flight training. The innovative aviation laboratory includes a full service FBO, flight school, and aviation experience center. All aspects of the project provide a test bed for innovative hardware, software, business processes and ideas with the goal of revitalizing general aviation.

ANN sat down with Jerry to get a feel for what drives him, what he thinks needs to happen to the aviation training world and how he's going to pull it off.




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