Eve Air Mobility Releases Additional Footage of Full-Scale Prototype | Aero-News Network
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Sat, Jun 15, 2024

Eve Air Mobility Releases Additional Footage of Full-Scale Prototype

First Non-Conforming Aircraft Coming Along Nicely Down in Brazil

Eve Air Mobility showed off the process of building its first full-size eVTOL prototype, getting a little attention boost while giving out some visual proof of their advancement.

In the race to market, Eve remains in the running, being far enough along in the design and certification process to put up a good fight against competitors like Archer and Joby. The video isn't anything too ground breaking, simply consisting of sweeping shots of the build process and a short voiceover from Luiz Valentini, Chief Technology Officer. Valentini said the firm would be targeting a range of 60 miles to start, since it's a pretty achievable and real-world ready goal to tackle out the gate. From there, nothing is really too firm or new, with mention made regarding long-term cost of ownership, reliability, and sustainability as the camera longingly sweeps across busy teams of engineers and intricate carbon fiber structures.

“From the beginning, we’ve made strategic choices in the design and configuration of our eVTOL to be able to accomplish a variety of urban mobility missions in the most efficient and cost-effective manner possible, with a high safety level and reduced impact in the communities where it will be operated. Higher dispatch reliability equals more flights per day, an important factor for our customers and their business model.” said Luiz Valentini, chief technology officer at Eve Air Mobility. “This configuration not only simplifies the systems and the flight of the aircraft, but has the potential to lead to a clearer path to certification.”

FMI: www.eveairmobility.com


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