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Fri, Feb 14, 2025

ANN FAQ: Share Aero-News With Your Friends

Send Them A Story -- We Don't Mind!

Do you need another set of eyes to see that story you can't believe Jim just wrote? Want to share the latest Klyde Morris with another member of the flying community? (Or perhaps to someone who just really, really likes ants?)

All of us at Aero-News firmly believe in the concept of "share-the-wealth" -- at least figuratively, when actual money is in no way involved or even remotely expected in our wildest dreams. Anyway, with that in mind we have made it amazingly easy for our readers to send our stories to their friends, coworkers, family -- anyone who you think may find a particular feature on Aero-News interesting, fun, and/or informative.

It's easy. All you have to do is click on the link at the bottom of the article, just below the FMI: "Email This Article To A Friend."

This link will take you to the appropriate page, where you can add put in your friend's email address, your email address, and a short message about the article... or anything (we won't ask.)

Click on "Email This Article," and the story is on its way to the person YOU wanted to see it!

Note that the article will be displayed as an HTML in the actual email; a link to the story will not be provided. Please make sure that whomever you're sending the story to can see HTML messages in their email browsers.

Try it out today, and spread the word -- If it's not on Aero-News, it's history!




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