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Mon, Feb 23, 2004

Transformation Flight Plan Elements

What The USAF Sees In Its Crystal Ball

(Note: The following comes from the USAF Transformation Flight Plan, a living document designed to chart the service's future in the near-, mid-, and long-term. --ed.)

  • Active Denial System ACTD

This nonlethal antipersonnel weapon transmits high power microwave energy that is absorbed in the first layers of skin, producing a near-instantaneous, severely painful sensation. ADS will not cause long-term damage to the targets. Research is ongoing on both land and airborne variants of ADS.

  • Adaptive Battlespace Awareness ACTD

Will demonstrate the potential of the Global Command and Control System Common Operating Picture to provide relevant information to support situational awareness, decision-making, execution, and planning for future operations.

  • Adaptive Joint C4ISR Node ACTD

Will integrate, demonstrate, and transition a single, multi-mission, morphable radio frequency system that provides seamless interoperable communications, signals intelligence, electronic, and information capabilities.

  • Advanced Extremely High Frequency System

Will allow secure, jam-resistant, worldwide, satellite-based communications independent of ground relay stations and distribution networks.

  • Advanced Mobility Concept Aircraft

Would provide world wide, all-weather, high speed, direct delivery to the battlefield with a more survivable airlifter capable of airliner speed, oversized cargo, and short take off and landing coupled to Autonomous Approach and Landing Guidance. This aircraft will be able to carry the full spectrum of US Army Future Combat Systems.

  • Advanced Mobility Tanker (KC-X)

Would be a long-range, long-endurance tanker that can also carry significant cargo loads. Its range would allow bombers and tankers to leave CONUS simultaneously and eliminate the need to pre-deploy tankers, greatly enhancing rapid global mobility.

  • Advanced Propulsion Systems

Would provide Mobility Air Forces with advance propulsion systems featuring a quantum leap in specific fuel consumption of hydro-carbon based fuels, far greater ranges with less reliance upon tanker forces, and significant increases in the efficiencies of rapid mobility capability.

  • Advanced Situational Awareness/ Countermeasures System

Is the Air Force’s long-term vision for enhanced situational awareness, threat detection, and radio frequency countermeasures and threat mitigation for mobility assets to help enable mobility assets into defended areas. The system will include on board Precision Location and Identification Radar Warning Receivers and an open architecture for off-datalinks (Link-16, etc.), on- and off-board radio frequency warning systems, and countermeasures to defeat radio frequency missile engagements. The system features an EW processor to fuse (machine-to-machine) all data into actionable information for a ‘two pilot’ crew.

  • Advanced Standoff Cruise Missile

Would provide persistent air-to-ground operations beyond the range of enemy IADS. It would utilize a Global Positioning System/Inertial Navigation System to ensure precision strike and receive mission updates and course correction information from off-board sensors. A laser radar search sensor would enhance target identification. Its stealthy airframe and advanced target identification system would provide a huge tactical advantage.

  • Advanced Tactical Laser ACTD

Will demonstrate a high-energy laser weapon system for precision tactical airborne applications. This laser will provide warfighters with ultra precision and the ability to manage precise effects on an operator’s target of choice. It will have a range of more than 10 km and a one second-to-kill capability.

  • Advanced Tactical Targeting Technology ACTD

By sharing the measurement of radar signals, this ACTD will leverage data from any airborne platforms, such as fighters, to detect and locate enemy surface-to-air radars to an accuracy of 50 meters, from 50 miles away, and within ten seconds after the enemy’s radar turns on. This would enable transformational persistent ISR capabilities to the battlespace without reliance on current high-density, low-demand platforms. Using data links to connect them to strike platforms, every sensor would become a shooter or linked to a shooter.

  • Agile Force Accountability

Would significantly improve force accountability through the development of a single software suite and classified database (along with scanner technology) for deployed military personnel.

  • Agile Transportation (AT 21) ACTD

ACTD sponsored by US Transportation Command that will demonstrate total visibility of all transportation requirements, available lift assets, personnel, and equipment moving to and within the various theaters of operation. Advanced scheduling decision support tools will be used for mode determination and optimization of intertheater lift assets, resulting in reduced force closure times and a smaller theater logistics footprint.

  • Air and Space Operations Center

The Air Force has designated the Air and Space Operations Center as a weapon system to provide the Joint Force Air and Space Component Commander a standardized capability to command and control air and space forces. This action will greatly enhance horizontal integration and provide a much-improved capability to support joint operations with planning, tasking, command and control, data fusion, and near real-time common operating pictures of the battlespace.

  • Air Expeditionary Force Weapon

Would be a small, low cost standoff weapon using the Small Diameter Bomb concept with a 250 pound warhead and 500 nautical mile range that could be launched from a variety of platforms.

  • Air Force Network Operations and Security Center

Will provide a single command and control authority over information flow in AF by uniting the nine MAJCOM Network Operations and Security Centers. It will provide AF one organization to handle both service specific and joint computer responsibilities.

  • Air Force Satellite Control Network Upgrades

The Air Force Satellite Control Network provides the earth and space connections required to launch, initialize, operate, and maintain all military satellites and recover critical warfighter data. It is being significantly enhanced over the next ten years to provide DoD-level network assured access from distributed users to and from space assets with a new dual band capability for the widest compatibility among all DoD space systems.

  • Air Force Transformation Center

Previously, an AOC used its own unique hardware, software, and servers that were often incompatible with other systems in other AOCs. The Air Force Transformation Center (formerly the CAOC-X) will ensure that the latest new technologies to achieve the capability to provide the commander a clear, coherent, real-time picture of the battlespace are incorporated into the global and theater AOCs in a timely and standardized manner.

  • Air Force WMD Emergency Response Program

This pilot program provides selected bases with WMD equipment, training and exercises. The program is designed to enhance cooperation/coordination between key players from the base and federal/state/local/host nation emergency responders.

  • Air Launch System

Would be a dedicated, all azimuth, weather avoiding, on-demand (within 48 hours) system capable of launching a Space Maneuver Vehicle, Common Aero Vehicle, or a Conventional Payload Module.

  • Airborne Active Denial System

Will be an airborne application of the Active Denial System for special operations and other missions.

  • Airborne Laser

Will use a high-energy laser mounted on a modified 747 aircraft to destroy ballistic missiles in their boost phase (currently under control of the Missile Defense Agency).

  • Airborne Networking Capability

Enables access to unclassified and classified email, shared files, and applications hosted on their home station networks as well as view live TV and participate in secure video teleconferences from airborne platforms. The intent is to provide an “office in the sky” and extend the Global Information Grid into the airborne platforms. US senior leadership enjoys this capability at present. The Air Force intends to expand this capability to more airborne platforms.

  • Air-Launched Anti-Satellite Missile

Would be a small air-launched missile capable of intercepting satellites in low earth orbit.

  • Automated ISR

Will use technology to automate the TPED process to speed the delivery of finished intelligence to the user. It includes upgrades such as Distributed Ground System Block 20 upgrades, Network Centric Collaborative Targeting, Link-16, Automated Geo-Precise-Positioning of sensors, and Computer Aided Target Detection.

  • Automatic Air Refueling

Will permit the refueling of manned as well as unmanned air vehicles on fueling tracks obscured by clouds. This would ensure that mobility, strike, and ISR operations would not be degraded by weather in refueling areas.

  • Autonomous Approach and Landing Guidance

Will enable mobility operations to be conducted regardless of weather conditions and independent of ground based navigation aids by allowing mobility aircraft to land on normal surfaced runways as well as unimproved landing zones in adverse weather (to include smoke, fog, rain, and snow) conditions.

  • Biofeedback System

Would provide real-time vital sign information to individuals, first aid givers, and medical personnel to enable rapid self-aid and buddy care and triage of casualties entering the medical system.

  • Biomarker System

Would track individual location and vital signs to reduce fratricide, rapidly recover ill or injured airmen, and detect potentially harmful exposures. B-X Bomber Would be a stealthy long-range, supersonic bomber with a 5000 nautical mile unrefueled range.

  • C-17

The C-17 has transformed the way the Air Force does mobility by blending strategic and tactical airlift missions into one to better support the warfighter. It can also fly intercontinental missions, operate into short, semi-prepared landing zones, move patients, outsized cargo, and complete airdrops. Equipped with defensive systems, it can move cargo and passengers over long and short distances, from ports of embarkation directly to assault zones in the battle area—avoiding the delays associated with transferring cargo to theater airlift aircraft for final delivery to the combat forces.

  • Centralized Intermediate Repair Facilities

Key element of the agile combat support strategy to significantly improve support to warfighting commanders. Regional repair facilities are established based on critical needs to reduce deployment footprint, increase deployment flexibility and speed, and reduce overall maintenance manpower requirements.

  • Combat Information Transport System

Will provide a network centric, fiber-optic system to move, process, and protect all Air Force information.

  • Combatant Commanders Integrated Command and Control System

Will provide the command and control of current and future space forces and space situation awareness via the Space common operational picture.

  • Command and Control Constellation

Will enable the horizontal integration of ground, air, and space sensors and battle management platforms such as strike aircraft and ground troops.

  • Common Aero Vehicle

Will be an unpowered, maneuverable, hypersonic glide vehicle deployed from a possible range of delivery vehicles such as an expendable or reusable small launch vehicle to a fully reusable Space Operations Vehicle. It will guide and dispense conventional weapons, sensors, or other payloads worldwide from and through space within one hour of tasking. It would be able to strike a spectrum of targets, including mobile targets, mobile time sensitive targets, strategic relocatable targets, or fixed hard and deeply buried targets. The Common Aero Vehicle’s speed and maneuverability would combine to make defenses against it extremely difficult.

  • Communication/Navigation Outage Forecasting System ACTD

Will demonstrate the ability to combine data from ground- and sea-based sensors to provide real-time products predicting when ionospheric disturbances will affect satellite communications and navigation systems, which will help distinguish between an attack on space systems and natural phenomenon.

  • Compact Environmental Anomaly Sensor II ACTD

Will demonstrate the ability of on-board space environment sensor suites to reduce satellite downtime and assist in ruling out hostile attack as the cause of satellite malfunction and provide warnings of dangerous space environment conditions.

  • Condition Based Maintenance

A new support concept that would exploit engineering and technical knowledge combined with actual failure experience and condition data that would move toward predictive maintenance practices vice reactive practices. Key to this capability are a robust systems engineering process, exploitation tools based on the EDW, serial number tracking of key components, and on board diagnostics.

  • Cooperative Persistent Surveillance Strike Vehicle

Would be a light weight search and destroy system to perform near all-weather surveillance and attack.

  • Counter Satellite Communications System

Will provide the capability to deny and disrupt an adversary’s space-based communications and early warning.

  • Counter Surveillance and Reconnaissance System

Will provide offensive counterspace counter surveillance/reconnaissance weapon acquisition program to deny, disrupt, and degrade adversary space-based surveillance and reconnaissance systems.

  • CV-22

Will rapidly insert large numbers of special operations forces or other small units over long distances with its high speed and unique capabilities.

  • Deployable Oxygen System

Will dramatically reduce the footprint of medical expeditionary forces by eliminating the need to resupply liquid oxygen to deployed medical forces.

  • Deployable Theater Information Grid

Will operate as a deployable, mobile information dissemination grid generating increased combat power through information superiority by integrating networks, sensors, decision-makers, and shooters. It will also enable commanders to dynamically plug and play sensors, engagement systems, weapons, command and control, and support capabilities into task-organized packages across the combat theater.

  • Deployment Readiness System

Web-based solution to significantly reduce deployment scheduling time, track personnel training requirements and status, and facilitate the management of Unit Type Code qualification throughout the Air Force.

  • Digital Imagery Request and Distribution System (BRITE)

Will give US forces national and theater imagery faster.

  • Distributed Common Ground System

Will be an open architecture, network-centric system that will enable the support of multiple, simultaneous, worldwide operations from in garrison and through scalable, modular system deployments. It will be interoperable with spaceborne, airborne, and surface ISR collection assets and intelligence producers and it will be able to access intelligence databases from these ISR resources to optimize ISR capabilities. As a key component of the GIG, this system will provide the backbone through which disparate ISR assets will be horizontally integrated. It will transform the Air Force’s ISR infrastructure to a net-centric enterprise.

  • Enhanced Human Performance

Would significantly improve cognition, strength, endurance, and perception of individuals.

  • Space Global Laser Engagement (EAGLE) Airship Relay Mirrors

Will significantly extend the range of both the Airborne Laser and Ground-Based Laser by using airborne, terrestrial, or space-based lasers in conjunction with space-based relay mirrors to project different laser powers and frequencies to achieve a broad range of effects from illumination to destruction.

  • Expeditionary Medical Support System

Would significantly increase the theater preventive, primary, and emergent care capabilities of expeditionary medical platforms and systems while dramatically reducing airlift requirements and the theater medical footprint.

  • Extended Range Strike Aircraft

Would be a modified 747-400 capable of standoff strikes against hardened and deeply buried targets while beyond the range of theater air defenses as well as counter-CBRNE and SEAD missions. A simultaneous attack by 20 aircraft could destroy 1500 targets in less than 15 minutes.

  • eXtensible Markup Language

Will be a key enabler to the free exchange of information between systems and their associated databases.

  • F/A-22

In addition to its revolutionary first-look, first-launch, and first-kill air-to-air capabilities, the F/A-22’s combination of all-aspect stealth, supercruise speed, and integrated avionics that enable it to engage mobile ground targets in any weather will be essential for the United States to penetrate the next two generations of rapidly advancing enemy air defenses and clear the way for follow-on joint forces day or night. These capabilities will also track, rapidly close in, and engage enemy cruise missiles. The F/A-22 is also pioneering the capability for one platform to connect all the links the “kill chain”: find-fix-track-target-engage-assess. Its on-board sensors and communications systems will detect and track enemy systems, allowing immediate self-targeting or engagement by other platforms that receive the battlespace picture on a shared network, followed by an immediate assessment of effects.

  • Family of Interoperable Operational Pictures

A joint program with new funding provided by OSD that will close the seams between existing legacy C4ISR systems and extend the capability of systems under development in order to exploit the full data collection and management abilities of current C4ISR assets. Its goal is to achieve a Common Relevant Operational Picture: an all-source picture of the battle space containing actionable, decision-quality, information to the warfighter through a fusion of existing databases. It will achieve this by implementing data sharing and fusion among heterogeneous, stovepiped systems in support of both operational and tactical users. It will facilitate establishment of interoperability standards and architectures to guide future acquisitions.

  • Family of Small Unmanned Systems

Will provide Special Tactics personnel increased battlespace awareness through employment of small, tactical UAVs.

  • F-35

The F-35 will be a new fighter aircraft that has transformational sensor capability that enables non-traditional ISR and sensor integration that will help enable the transformational capabilities of machine-to-machine integration and real-time picture of the battlespace. It also will possess low-observable characteristics that will enable persistent combat air support over the future battlefield. Furthermore, F-35 will help enable the negation of advanced enemy air defenses because it will possess the ability to perform unrestricted operations within heavily defended airspace.

  • Full Spectrum Threat Response

Program will be how the AF will plan for, respond to, and begin recovery from full spectrum threats at the installation and MAJCOM level. It includes program elements such as Terrorist Weapons of Mass Destruction Response; the Weapons of Mass Destruction Pilot Installation Program; Joint Service Installation Pilot Program/Guardian; Hazardous Material Emergency Response; Nuclear, Biological, Chemical, and Conventional Defense; and non-Medical CBRNE defense.

  • Full Spectrum Threat Response Program

This program includes policy and guidance to help commanders confront the full spectrum of physical threats and provide for the protection of installation resources. It captures the complete incident response cycle, from planning to response and recovery. It includes guidelines for training, exercising, equipping, and assessing the installation’s capability for successful operations. It provides the Air Force approach to planning, organizing, training, and equipping personnel and protecting the critical infrastructures needed to accomplish the mission for the possibility of a nuclear, biological, chemical, or conventional enemy attack, major accident, natural disaster, or terrorist use of weapons of mass destruction.

  • Future Single Supply System

Would reengineer the AF supply processes to leverage commercial best practices and enterprise systems. Goal would be to replace 76 current supply or supply related systems and enable single entry, instantaneous common operating picture and real time visibility over all AF supply assets worldwide.

  • Global Broadcast System

Will provide a true global and fully mobile communications architecture to DoD operators. Its satellite-based (Ka-band) architecture transcends previous geographic limitations to allow relatively high bandwidth transmission of mission critical data to forces virtually anywhere in the world with relative simplicity.

  • Global Combat Support System-AF

Delivers real-time, worldwide asset, equipment, and weapon system status. Deployed troops have praised the Air Force logistics capabilities on the portal and said that it is the only way they have had asset visibility and access to their logistics applications at bare base locations. The fleet asset status tool provides real-time status of aircraft worldwide, with drill-down capabilities for parts and maintenance status. Additional capabilities and tools continue to be added through spiral development.

  • Global CONOPS Synchronization

Will demonstrate ability to and benefits of sharing real-time information among Mobility Air Force (global) and Combat Air Force (multi-area of responsibility centric) command and control planning and execution systems and flying assets via machine-to-machine data exchange.

  • Global Hawk

The Global Hawk is a high endurance UAV with an ISR payload for intercontinental coverage. When combined with the continuous global access of Space-Based Radar and near real-time data transfer to multiple relevant command and control elements, the Global Hawk will allow constant imaging or tracking of relevant mobile or fixed surface targets in any weather conditions.

  • Global Launch and Test Range

Would broaden the region over which the launch and test ranges are able to execute Telemetry, Tracking, and Commanding during spacelift operations as well as test and evaluation activities. It will also support the current military spaceplane plan calling for launches from the interior of the US, away from the coasts. Would provide necessary Command and Control for the Space Maneuver Vehicle and the Space Operations Vehicle. Would be a key enabler of responsive launch and operation of new space vehicles and refueling/repair of existing vehicles.

  • GPS Block IIF/III

Will greatly expand current GPS navigation and targeting capabilities and enhance its jam-resistance in conjunction with anti-jam margins provided by user equipment.

  • Ground Based Laser

Would propagate laser beams through the atmosphere to Low-Earth Orbit satellites to provide robust defensive and offensive space control capability.

  • Ground Contingency Medical Support System

Would significantly increase the preventive, primary, emergent care, and mass casualty management capabilities of individual ground medical systems.

  • Ground Warrior Modernization

Will standardize (with special forces) and significantly improve the equipment used by Tactical Air Control Parties (ground spotters for air strikes), who are critical enablers of time-critical targeting and timely close air support in many instances.

  • Guardian Urban Combat Weapon

Would be an air launched lurk and loiter reconnaissance, rotary winged, unmanned, combat air vehicle designed for urban warfare.

  • High Powered Microwave Airborne Electronic Attack

Will develop and demonstrate an anti-electronics high powered microwave weapon against “soft” electronic-containing targets from an airborne platform at military significant ranges.

  • Hypersonic Cruise Vehicle

Would operate like an aircraft from conventional runways within the CONUS and reach time-critical targets up to 9,000 nautical miles away within two hours with payloads up to 12,000 pounds.

  • Hypersonic Standoff Weapon

Would be an air-launched, deep-strike weapon capable of delivering munitions and unitary warheads. Missile launch would be subsonic, typically at altitudes between 30,000-40,000 feet. It is expected to travel up to 1000 nautical miles and then deploy submunitions (e.g., WASAAMM or Small Diameter Bomb) or perform direct attack.

  • Hypervelocity Missile

Would be an air-launched missile that travels at hypersonic speeds with 1000 nautical miles of range. It would provide a rapid response capability against high-value and emerging targets, arriving at its target in less than 30 minutes from maximum range.

  • Hypervelocity Rod Bundles

Would provide the capability to strike ground targets anywhere in the world from space.

  • Integrated Base Defense Security Systems

A wide range of offensive and defensive capabilities associated with the new Integrated Base Defense and Force Protection CONOPS that include new sensors, command and control systems for a common operating system, and a suite of remotely operated sensors, weapons, and robotics.

  • Integrated Broadcast Service

Would facilitate the provision of instant access to complete, accurate, and timely tactical intelligence and targeting information while supporting battle managers, intelligence centers, air defenders, fire support elements, and aviation nodes for airborne, sea-going, subsurface, and ground mobile platforms.

  • Integrated Flight Management ATD

The IFM-ATD technology development effort is a multi-part process ultimately designed to enhance current and future command and control systems used by flight managers, planners, and schedulers. Objectives of this effort include developing the methodology for accomplishing intelligent search, retrieval and storage of mission planning data used by Air Force planners and schedulers, the improvement of Air Mobility Command’s flight planning system, and the optimization of current and future command and control capabilities within Air Mobility Command and other major commands.

  • Integrated LOGCAT/GeoReach-Expeditionary Site Planning/Mapping

Will provide a common process and operational picture for planning Air Force expeditionary operations. Leverages commercial off the shelf products to provide detailed tabular and geospatial data on potential operating locations and calculates combat support capability requirements for planners at all levels—to include CBRNE vulnerability assessments.

  • ISR Management Capability

Will enable the operators and collections managers in the AOC to visualize the status and capabilities of ISR assets in the area of operations and dynamically retask them in near real-time based on battlefield activity.

  • Joint Air to Surface Standoff Missile-Extended Range

Will be a stealthy precision cruise missile designed to launch from outside area defenses to kill a wide variety of targets, including hardened targets, both fixed and mobile. It will extend the current production Joint Air-to-Surface Standoff Missile range from 200 nautical miles to over 500 nautical miles.

  • Joint Biological Agent Identification and Diagnostic System

A three-block program for a reusable, portable, modifiable biological agent identification and diagnostic system for simultaneous, reliable identification of multiple biological warfare threat agents. Block I: analytical device, device consumables, and protocols for identification of ten biological warfare threat agents/ten biological agents of operational significance. Block II produces capability to identify five toxins.

  • Joint Biological Point Detection System

Active laser system that will detect biological organisms from 3-15 kilometers and discriminate biological warfare organisms from naturally occurring biological organisms from 1-3 kilometers.

  • Joint Chemical Agent Detector

Point detector for chemical agents/toxic industrial chemicals that allows for masking prior to symptom on-set.

  • Joint Chemical-Biological Agent Water Monitor

A portable water agent sample/detection device that allows the user to sample with the device for chemical and biological agents as well as chemical and biological agents as well as toxic industrial chemicals and materials.

  • Joint Container Refill System

Simple-to-operate system capable of refilling containers such as canteens and five-gallon water cans with water in the nuclear, biological, and chemical environment; compatible with a variety of water distribution systems.

  • Joint GUARDIAN Program

Program replaces the Joint Service Installation Pilot Program and expands the former program from nine to 200 installations (64 Air Force). This approximately $1 billion program is designed to beef up chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear protection at military installations worldwide.

  • Joint Mission Planning System

Will replace older, stove-piped, costly-to-maintain systems now used by the Services with a standardized, plug-and-play, user-friendly joint mission planning capabilities to support tomorrow’s warfighter.

  • Joint Modular Chemical-Biological Detection System

Combined lightweight, handheld chemical, biological, and Toxic Industrial Materials detector or network of detectors capable of detecting, identifying, quantifying, and warning of hazards.

  • Joint Service Family of Decon Systems

A four-block strategy that groups decontamination for non-personnel items, applicators, casualties/personnel, and emerging technology integration and provides a means to remove, neutralize, or eliminate CBRNE and toxic hazards.

  • Joint Service Installation Pilot Project

Congressionally mandated program implemented through Program Budget Decision 289, dated 10 Dec 2001. The program is designed to enhance the counter-CBRNE capabilities of nine DoD Installations, three per Service. The approach is to provide equipment and training solutions tailored to each installation and evaluate the improvement in capability. The Air Force has designated Robins, Barksdale, and Pope Air Force Bases.

  • Joint Service Light NBC Recon System

HMMWV-based collective protective system with a suite of nuclear chemical and biological legacy and standoff detectors designed for mobile reconnaissance/surveillance and marking.

  • Joint Service Lightweight Standoff Chemical Agent Detector

Provides passive standoff detection capability for chemical agents/toxic industrial chemicals and detect-to-warn capability. It allows for masking prior to symptom on-set.

  • Joint Service Sensitive Equipment Decon System

System block approach allows decontamination of sensitive equipment, i.e., avionics, electrical, electronic, and environmental systems, then aircraft/vehicle interiors, and associated cargo while in-flight or during ground/shipboard operations without degradation.

  • Joint Tactical Radio System

A joint program in which the Air Force participates, it will provide a software reprogrammable joint Services radio and data transmission system.

  • Joint Transportable Collective Protection System

Contamination Control Area module, Toxic Free Area module and capability to collectively protect fixed facilities; provides protection from chemical and biological warfare agents and toxic industrial chemicals.

  • Joint Warning and Reporting System

A network link for all nuclear, biological, and chemical detectors with all nuclear, biological, and chemical and reporting echelons warning. It provides defense planning and toxic industrial chemical event plotting and reporting.

  • Large Aircraft Infrared Countermeasures

Will defend US cargo, tanker, and other heavy aircraft from attack by infrared missiles and greatly enhance the ability to defeat anti-access strategies.

  • Link-16

Provides jam-resistant, secure communications that can be relayed over long distances for integrated operations and supports the concept of machine-to-machine interface for horizontal integration. It is currently being installed in attack aircraft beginning with the F-15 and F-16 Blocks 40/50. The goal is to put Link 16 on all attack aircraft enabling digital interface with command and control aircraft and a variety of joint command and control ground forces.

  • Logistics Financial Management Redesign

Would reengineer the Air Force logistics financial operations from a unit-based, transaction-dominated financial environment to a more centralized enterprise-wide resource construct. The goal would be to manage and control costs across the enterprise to improve overall warfighter support while reducing costs. Long-Range Cruise Missile Would be a stealthy, air-launched cruise missile designed to accommodate multiple, independently targetable conventional warheads that can strike well defended targets greater than 2000 nautical miles away.

  • Low Cost Persistent Area Dominance Miniature Missile

Would be a light-weight search and destroy system in which up to 16-36 missiles would join to form a cooperative grid to detect and destroy time critical targets under most weather conditions.

  • Medical CBRNE Defense

Would provide significantly enhanced CBRNE prophylaxis, identification/detection, medical surveillance, and casualty treatment capabilities.

  • Military Intelligence Tactical Element—Urban Surveyor

Would add to overall urban situational awareness by looking into individual structures and determining as best as possible the internal layout of the structure and the activity of people inside the structure as well as match individuals with those on a database. It could also attack targets in those structures with a 300 kilowatt laser.

  • Multi-Platform Common Data Link

Will be a critical network-enabled wideband link for the Multi-Platform Radar Technology Insertion Program and the Network Centric Collaborative Targeting ACTD.

  • Multi-Platform Radar Technology Insertion Program

Will greatly increase the Air Force’s ability to detect, track, and identify stationary and moving ground vehicles.

  • Multi-Sensor Command and Control Aircraft

Will enhance the capabilities of Joint Surveillance Target Attack Radar System and the Airborne Warning and Control Systems as well as various other signals intelligence and command-and-control aircraft. It will provide Ground Moving Target Indicator capabilities along with focused Air Moving Target Indicator capabilities for Cruise Missile Defense. The aircraft will be a key node of the Command and Control Constellation.

  • M-X Low Observable Advanced AF SOF Air Mobility Platform

A conceptual aircraft required to support and improve SOF rapid, global mobility beyond 2015. The M-X would defeat sophisticated integrated air defense systems with low-observable/stealth design technology and/or active signal management combined with advanced air defense electronic countermeasures for increased survivability. It would need to deliver and recover personnel and equipment deep in hostile, denied, or politically sensitive airspace while maintaining the critical elements of tactical surprise and speed. It also would require “agility in the objective area” or ultra short takeoff and landing or vertical capability.

  • Network Centric Collaborative Targeting ACTD

Will demonstrate a network centric operating system designed to horizontally integrate air, space, and surface ISR assets at the digital level and dramatically reduce the time required to detect, identify, locate, and designate fleeting targets.

  • New Long-Range Platform

Would be a modified, wide-bodied aircraft that could launch 40 long-range conventional cruise missiles and/or standoff hypervelocity missiles. In a permissive environment, it could penetrate enemy airspace and drop various PGMs. It would be able to reach 97 percent of the countries of the world from CONUS with one aerial refueling or one stopover without entering hostile territory. It requires no in-theater basing and can be refueled at nearly any large airfield.

  • Next Generation Gunship

Would provide persistent application of tailored precision firepower to defeat, destroy, disperse, and deny using lethal and/or non-lethal means. Its utility would be measured by its ability to integrate lethality, connectivity, and survivability through a persistent presence to achieve the desired effects.

  • Orbital Deep Space Imager

Will provide a predictive, near real-time common operating picture of space to enable space control operations.

  • Orbital Transfer Vehicle

Would significantly increase the flexibility, warfighting utility, and protection of US space assets while enabling on-orbit servicing of those assets.

  • Precision Extended Glide Aerial Delivery System

Would be a fast, worldwide logistics support system with minimum inventory, response time, and manpower. It has a global range (9-12,000 nautical miles) with payloads of 150,000 to 250,000 pounds and is air refuelable. It could make precision airdrops and would have advanced counter-measure capability to do rapid resupply in hostile territory. It would be able to serve as the primary supply system for ground troops, replacing ground vehicles.

  • Predator B

An updated version of the Predator UAV that would used as a UCAV to strike time sensitive targets.

  • Purchasing and Supply Chain Management

Will reengineer Air Force supply chain processes to incorporate commercial best practices and integrate the purchasing and supply processes into a single end-to end enterprise process that significantly reduces supply chain operating costs and improves war fighter readiness.

  • Rapid Attack Identification Detection and Reporting System

A family of systems that will provide the capability to automatically identify when a space system is under attack.

  • Regional Supply Squadrons

Key element of the agile combat support strategy to significantly improve support to warfighting commanders. Regional supply squadrons are established based on critical needs to reduce deployment footprint, improve spares command and control, and reduce overall supply manpower requirements.

  • Restoration of Operations (RestOps) ACTD

An ACTD designed to help fixed military sites, such as air bases, protect against and recover from the consequences of chemical or biological attacks. The five year ACTD is divided into two phases, a three-year demonstration phase, recently completed, followed by a two-year transition phase. During the first phase, the ACTD demonstrated improved chemical and biological defense technologies and operational procedures.

  • Robust Autonomous Attack Missile

Would be an air-launched interdiction weapon that would provide autonomous, standoff capability against a variety of mobile land and sea targets. Different versions under consideration could carry small diameter bombs, SEAD micro missiles, or surveillance equipment.

  • Roll-on Beyond Line of Sight Enhancement

The first in a family of Scalable, Modular, Airborne, Relay Terminals, which will reside on tankers, but will also be suitable for a variety of other platforms to include unmanned and ground or sea-based vehicles. Initially, it will be a Link-16 relay that will allow line-of-sight and beyond line-of-sight communication of participants in the network. It will become a vital part of a global network to provide critical data to warfighters more quickly for faster decision-making and time sensitive engagement of critical targets. Informally referred to as “Smart Tanker.”

  • Single Integrated Air Picture

Will provide improved air awareness in the battlespace to the warfighter, reduce or eliminate the potential for fratricide due to inaccurate targeting information, and significantly enhance the Air Force’s ability to conduct effects-based operations through the employment of weapons to their designed capability.

  • Single Integrated Space Picture

Will provide the “space picture” part of the Family of Interoperable Operating Pictures.

  • Situational Awareness Data Link Gateway

When combined with Near-Term Enhancements to the Tactical Data Link Architecture, will allow greater numbers of combat aircraft to access a wider variety of Air Force and Navy platforms from Active, Guard, and Reserve components to improve the sensor-to-shooter kill chain timeline.

  • Small Diameter Bomb

Will enable strike aircraft to carry far more PGMs per sortie. For example, a B-52 that can drop 12 2000 pound Joint Direct Attack Munitions today will be able to drop more than 100 small diameter bombs against multiple targets. It will also enable smaller platforms such as UCAVs to deploy PGMs and increase the F/A-22’s effectiveness by enabling it to carry many PGMs internally so it can remain stealthy and perform the transformational capabilities of the Global Strike CONOPS.

  • Solid State Laser (100 kW)

Will enable several shots of high-energy laser per minute on fighters, bombers, transports, etc.

  • Space-Based Infrared System—High

Will be key to enabling the transformational ability to defend the United States against ballistic missile attack by greatly enhancing ballistic missile detection.

  • Space-Based Radar

Will provide the capability to look deeply and persistently into areas that are inaccessible to current platforms due to political restrictions, geographical constraints, or the technological limitations of legacy systems. The continuous global access of SBR and the extended-loiter capability of the UAV, combined with near real-time data transfer to multiple relevant command and control elements, will allow constant imaging or tracking of all relevant mobile or fixed surface targets in any weather conditions in all types of terrain as well as within urban areas.

  • Space-Based Radio Frequency Energy Weapon

Would be a constellation of satellites containing high-power radio-frequency transmitters that possess the capability to disrupt/destroy/disable a wide variety of electronics and national-level command and control systems. It would typically be used as a non-kinetic anti-satellite weapon.

  • Space-Based Space Surveillance System

Will be a constellation of optical sensing satellites to track and identify space forces in deep space to enable offensive and defensive counterspace operations.

  • Space Control Range

Will enable a full spectrum exercise and training environment in realistic “battlefield” conditions and augment existing DoD range infrastructure and supports combined air, space, sea, and land.

  • Space Maneuver Vehicle

Would be a rapidly reusable orbital vehicle deployed from the Space Operations Vehicle or Evolved Expendable Launch Vehicle that is capable of executing a wide range of space control missions.

  • Space Operations Vehicle

Would enable an on-demand spacelift capability with rapid turn-around, multiple standardized payloads, space vehicle maintenance, ISR, offensive and defensive counterspace, and space surveillance capabilities. The Space Operations Vehicle would also be one of the vehicles that would deploy the Common Aero Vehicle.

  • Space Tracking and Surveillance System

Will develop a series of interoperable research and development satellites and supporting ground equipment for the detection and tracking of ballistic missiles (formerly Space Based Infrared System-Low).

  • Supply Chain Common Operating Picture

Will integrate all supply chain information to provide a common operational view of Air Force supply chain to the manager, customers, and warfighting commanders. Establishes framework for e-procurement and future enterprise ERP migration.

  • Tactical Data Link Architecture Enhancements

When combined with Situational Awareness Data Link Gateway will allow greater numbers of combat aircraft to access a wider variety of Air Force and Navy platforms from active, guard and reserve components to improve the sensor-to-shooter kill-chain timeline.

  • Tactical UAV Initiative

Will embed a small tactical UAV squadron within Air Force Special Operations Command to improve support to the special operations missions and support to joint warfighting. Such smaller UAVs include: the Desert Hawk, Force Protection Aerial Surveillance System, the Pointer UAV, and the BatCam Micro UAV, which is part of the Battlefield Air Operations Kit.

  • Theater Air Control System

Will be an open-architecture, Defense Information Infrastructure Common Operating Environment-compliant network capable of serving all command and control mission applications.

  • Theater Medical Planning and Control System

Would link theater surveillance, aeromedical evacuation, planning, and response capabilities to regional, coalition, and joint health support system.

  • Time Critical Targeting Functionality ACTD

Will demonstrate the ability to provide commanders the manpower and equipment necessary to more effectively strike critical fixed and mobile targets.

  • Transformational Communication Terminals

Key enabler of the Advanced Wideband System.

  • Transformational Satellite

Will provide greatly expanded bandwidth and secure communications.

  • Unmanned Combat Aerial Vehicle

The Air Force is pursuing several UCAV platforms. They are highly survivable and scaleable attack aircraft with selected specific capabilities for lethal and non-lethal suppression of enemy air defenses as well as strike missions. The Air Force is also considering a limited near-term electronic attack capability for them and studying the longer-term potential to integrate directed energy and precision, all-weather capabilities.

  • Wide Area Search Autonomous Attack Miniature Munition (WASAAMM)

Would be a miniature smart cruise missile with the ability to loiter over and search for a specific target, significantly enhancing time-critical targeting of moving or fleeting targets. When the target is acquired, WASAAMM can either attack or relay a signal to obtain permission to attack. Due to its very small size, the WASAAMM has stealth qualities.



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